'Peace and Security' - What do you think?

by startingover13 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • startingover13

    Woke up this morning to my CNN App alerting me that Popel Francis has called for peace in the Middle East, and is making arrangements to meet with leaders in that region to promote tolerance and acceptance. I've been out for almost a year now, inactive for almost two, but in that moment all of the JW teachings about the signs on the end, the cry of peace and security, and what would happen to those that aren't serving Jehovah returned to me. 24 years of teachings are hard to forget, and reading the story on CNN.com didn't help the situation. Anyway, just wanted to share that experience this morning. The link to the article is below.


  • designs

    Wouldn't it be nice if these groups would give peace a chance.

  • Iamallcool

    Well, there have been different popes in the past visiting the Middle East. Just FYI.

  • AlphaMan

    Just another peace & security mention. Nothing to be concerned about. From what I understand the JW's rarely even concern themselves with this prophesy anymore. Were you around when the Pope declared 1986 as the year of "Peace & Security"? Despite these mentions of peace & security it still doesn't overshadow the hypocrisy, scandals & wackinest of the Watchtower religion. Don't sweat it....this most definitely is NOT the truth.

  • rhodesboy

    Here is a link: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/bible/259406/1/Peace-and-Security-When

    World War (mostly conventional) then ...

  • Splash

    Right-minded people around the world wish for peace.

    Some have more power than others to try to bring it about.

    So long as there exist right-minded powerful and influential people, there will always be peace talks.


  • punkofnice

    Woke up this morning

    Sorry. I thought you were singing a blues song for a moment.

    'Peace and security' is a vain dream and how long have people asked for it? Since time began...that's how long.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    You forgot the "international roadmap to peace" that was supposed to bring "peace and security" to the Israel Palestine situation by October (what else?) 2005.

    Yeah it came to nothing and is just a forgotten footnote in the UN workbook.


  • transhuman68

    LOL, the Pope is just grandstanding- seeking publicity. Since when have the Jews & Muslims ever paid any attention to what Christians say? It might happen when Hell freezes over... and since there is no Hell either it will never happen, lol. Everything in the Bible was written for the people of those times- not for us. Check out the two Roman goddesses- Pax & Securitus.

  • Ucantnome

    I've been out for almost a year now, inactive for almost two, but in that moment all of the JW teachings about the signs on the end, the cry of peace and security, and what would happen to those that aren't serving Jehovah returned to me.

    recently there was a topic on here Probably You Might be Saved" - Somewhere in Zephaniah As I Recall that had some interesting sciptures.

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