JwTalk confirms it's all bollocks

by konceptual99 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • konceptual99

    Read this earlier on JWtalk in a thread about if the 100 years of the kingdom is part of the 1000 year reign.

    Actually this question goes back to how the brothers believed and saw things back in Bro. Russell's day. They thought 6000 years of human history and Christ's second presence began in 1874, ( their chronology was 100 years off from that which we now accept - this was corrected in the 1940s ) Believing such they thought the 1000 year reign began at that time. Interestingly, seeing all the progress the industrial revolution was bringing, they believed these were signs Jehovah was beginning to prepare the earth for all the blessings fortold to be brought about by the Kingdom. That is why they referred to it as " Millennial Dawn", and people began to refer to them as Millenial Dawners.

    Well after 1914, and the brothers began to see things did not work out all the way they expected ( this system did not end, and they were not taken to heaven ). As Bro Macmillan once said, they went back to the drawing board to see what was wrong with the way they understond things. As a result, they began to see in time that 1914 was the beginning of Christ's Second Presence. and they advanced in their understanding of Armaggedon and Christ's 1000 year reign. As a result they came to the conclusion, as explained already by other brothers on this thread, that the 1000 years comes after Armeggedon, and the binding and abyssing of Satan. So these are flashes of Scriptural truths that became plain to the brothers early in this past century, and which we now have consistently taught for many years.

    I don't think I have heard anything in a very long time that so completely sums up why this whole religion is a load of bollocks as this crock of shite.

    How in the name of jumping Jehosophat does this sound even remotely reasonable??

  • 4thgen

    Good catch. I remember reading years ago that they thought the industrial revolution was a tool by Satan to distract the brotheren from the beginning of Kingdom rule. Where did I read it? A real old publication, but I'm not sure I could find the source. Where did your come from? (I wish I had a mind like a steel trap, but mine is more of a sieve these days.) 4thgen

  • cofty

    Thanks for that. I'm sure most JWs have no idea of the evolution of their false expectations.

    I read a lot of Russell and Rutherford during my final year in the borg and I was stunned.

  • snare&racket

    JW's don't have to have THE answers...... they just have to have A answer....

    That is one thing that JW's all share in common, they are content accepting the b.s. as long as they have something to say that explains it. No matter how crazy it sounds, if there is some bizzare form of thin logic to the answer, they will eat it up.

    "You know how light blinds you coming out of a cave....well that is why our leaders have ben wrong about everything, but they are right now!"

    "You know how a parent loves their child even when chastising them? That's why god disfellowships people!"

    "If your doctor said dont consume alcohol, would it be ok to have a little bit? Or to have it put into your vein instead of your mouth? Thats why we don't have blood!"

    In reality these, illogical explinations can be taken apart in seconds. The cave assumption relies on god having a reason for not telling us the truth originally and allowing people to leave because of theological errors in the religion. This is senseless and unscriptural. A stable parent would never consider their child dead for ANY reason and if they did it would likely destroy that child. Alcohol wil not save your life, alcohol is bad for everyone, blood is natural and Jesus talked of breaking the biblical laws to save and cure, even rescuing lambs from wells at the expense of a law that could kill you.

    The great film Religioulous, has a scene where a Jesus immitator co pares the trinity to water. Just as water can be a solid, liquid and a gas, god can be the son, the father and the holy ghost. Again, it bares no connection to the subject being conveyed, it is very thinly logical and it is b.s. All elements can be those states and 2 more, water can also be plasma....are their missing godheads? No..... its just the analogy only works if you want it to.

    JW's LOOK for confirmation bias. The industrial revoloution was a terrible time. Studying it will inform such ignorant people what it did to children in the workhouses, will show them how families lived, several to a small home. How disease spread at pace and with potency. How pollution began on earth.

    It gave us cheap products, it gave us engineering, it evolved into capitalism and industrial devolpment, in a way it brought science too. An efficient, repeatable process for observation. It certainly helped provide equipment and funding for science.

    But it was no golden dawn , golden age! It's funny, if you read HG.Wells, he describes the industrial revolution, adding science fiction and poetic license to create wondrous machines in his stories. I was suprised when I read them to see some very old WT terminology such as golden age, golden dawn, millenial dawn.... I started writing them down and researched them. They all have masonic roots, and this is why I believe that Russell without doubt had masonic influences. No need to add spooky conspiracy music, it is what it is.....'woo'

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    As a result, they began to see in time that 1914 was the beginning of Christ's Second Presence. and they advanced in their understanding of Armaggedon and Christ's 1000 year reign. As a result they came to the conclusion, as explained already by other brothers on this thread, that the 1000 years comes after Armeggedon, and the binding and abyssing of Satan.

    Wow. He forgot to add one very important but glaring omission from his statement above: that they also believe Jesus started to reign in 1914 while at the same time admitting that his thousand year reign hasn't started. A total knock-down argument against their whole 1914 creedal nonsense. It's just mind-numbing isn't it, how such an obvious and grotesque contradiction can come straight out of their mouth and not be seen for what it is, in fact even lauded as a flash of truth. Unbelievable.

    It's even worse than the Seventh Day Adventists silly 1843 Investigative Judgement creed (which many SDA's openly say they no longer believe without fear of being cast out). At least the SDA's aren't so blind and stupid as to say Jesus began to reign in 1843.

  • pbrow

    Hey cofty,

    My mother is still in and is doing the exact same thing now. A family friend has all the old "studies" books from our old hall she would read them when she got the chance. Stunned is a good word.

    When they read it for themselves it has an enourmous impact not only because of what those old books actually say but because of what we were all told they said. A perfect example is the "advertise, advertise speech" I told her to find the transcript from the entire speech and see if that talk means the same thing to her.


  • designs

    Blame it on the Bossa Nova....er Bible. Apocalyptic messages, ignorance of human nature, beliefs in an afterlife. There is enough in there to set minds on a tangent rather than address real life needs and concerns.

  • KateWild

    The JWtalk poster is likely having doubts but does not want to air them on JWtalk. That is a really wierd site anyway. You have to be a JW in good standing to register, but a JW in good standing would not go on any "other" JW sites except the official jw.org. So they are going against guidance by joining.

    Stands to reason they're all a bit loopy.

    Kate xx

  • rebel8

    ha. years ago, they kicked me off that site for talking about how we used to charge for magazines in the d2d. "either you're not a jw or you're the most wacked out sister," were the words, iirc. i guess chronology is fair game though.

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