The end of Watchtower in the western world ?

by cookiemaster 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cookiemaster

    Hey guys! I was just thinking, with all the new promising stem cell research and trials, many scientists predict that in a decade or two, advanced biotech will make possible to extend human lifespan considerably and soon after indefinitely. Also, access to vast amounts of information is becoming ubiquotous throughout the world and it seems that it's increasingly harder to keep people ignorant and in the dark. As the world is becoming more connected and informed it's also harder to maintain the us vs. them mentality active.

    Will this mean the end of WT in the western world? Let's face it. One of the biggest selling points of religion in general, and JW's in particular, is having a way to circumvent death (generally by embracing a fantasy of a paradise, heaven, etc) . I have a scientist friend who works for one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world. He can't disclose specific details about his work, but he claims his company will be able, by the mid 2020's, to add another year of life expectancy for every year that passes with the help of targeted stem cell treatments, as well as to regrow limbs, organs and cure countless diseases. His claims are supported by numerous scientific reports.

    If aging will no longer be an issue in first world countries, I think the WT will lose a lot of followers. Plus, from what I can see, most children that grow in JW families do not become JW's themselves, or if they do, they leave in their youth. So in the western world things are becoming increasingly hard for them. As old generations die, and very few embrace the "truth", their ranks will fall. Just in my cong, from the late 90' until now the number dropped from 70 members to around 25. Most of them were old and died, and a considerable number have been abused by the elders and left.

    The only places were the borg can see growth are developing countries which are generally very dogmatic and inclined toward Christianity. Places like Brazil and other poor countries in South America, maybe some countries of Africa, SE Asia (Philippines). But even so, it don't see a bright future for the borg as information comes to all people, more and more and becoming educated and less religious. What do you guys think?

    PS: Please forgive any grammar or spelling mistakes. English is my second language.

  • punkofnice

    Your spelling is fine my friend.

    There will always be deluded people around who will not accept plain evidence. The longer people live is the longer the WBT$ will live perhaps?

    The WBT$ may die of natural causes eventually.

  • Magnum

    I agree.

  • Vidiot

    cookiemonster - "...many scientists predict that in a decade or two, advanced biotech will make possible to extend human lifespan considerably and soon after indefinitely...Will this mean the end of WT in the western world?"

    No; not this, specifically.

    But every bit helps.

    All the cool new things that science and medicine are accomplishing and discovering in "This Old System of Things" (particularly the ones that have long been believed possible only by miraculous means in the "Millennial Reign") undermine fundamentalist Christianity just a little more every day, whether they're aware of it or not.

  • Bugbear

    My question is why? when we literary live in a hell, quote:

    biotech will make possible to extend human lifespan considerably

    Life over 60 its just a prolonging of suffer and pain


  • cofty

    advanced biotech will make possible to extend human lifespan considerably and soon after indefinitely

    The evidence is not promising.

    There is more chance of reducing the negative effects of aging - even that is nowhere near as likely as the popular press claim - but extending the human lifespan remains a pipe-dream.

    bugbear - We live in the best time in all of human history.

  • Phizzy

    60 is the new 40, so I am looking forward to a few more years of drinking and other enjoyment.

  • cantleave

    Phizzy, 60 is new 40 for those who don't drink or smoke and take plenty of exercise, in other words I'm f*cked.

  • redvip2000

    many scientists predict that in a decade or two, advanced biotech will make possible to extend human lifespan considerably and soon after indefinitely.

    As much as i want to live a long time, this would be a terrible thing for mankind. Already world population is growing at an alarming rate; the only thing positive thing right now is that people in developed countries have the common sense not to have a ton of kids. If this became reality, you would have to create mandatory sterilization.

  • steve2

    Suckers for happy-ever-after stories people the planet. Wherever stupidity and hope clash, there's a religion nearby to soothe the struggle, and to marry the desperate need for hope with the most eye-popping stupidity. When religion knocks on the door, those who answer and listen must send their brains on a never-ending vacation.

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