An interesting encounter with some sisters today.

by quellycatface 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • whathappened

    We were invited to a graduation party this past weekend for a young woman who was raised in but never baptised. Her parents are still active in the JW's. My nephew and this young woman (the graduate) are living together out of wedlock. JW's were there at the graduation party. The mother of the graduate's boyfriend is disfellowshipped and my sister and I are "known apostates." They all ate with us and talked to us. No one even mentioned religious topics or anything. The hostess and her husband are totally aware of our spiritual standing. We were quite pleased and felt very comfortable there. So...there are JW's who don't mind breaking the rules.

  • cofty

    I bumped into 2 different pairs of JWs in 5 minutes in the supermarket this evening.

    Said a nice big friendly hello to both of them and they both got puzzled looks from others because of their ignorant response.

    One woman had her daughter tugging her arm saying "mum that man said hello to you" while she scurried out the door with her head down. Priceless!

    If you go along with their shunning you are still playing by their rules.

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