Something that bothers me....

by DATA-DOG 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Betsy just posted this on another thread:

    So, what does this even mean for humanity? Do you think the Earth is being ruined? Is it just coincidence that groups like JWs say we are near the END?? What if they are accidentally right this time? Does it even matter?


  • punkofnice

    As Dr Who says: 'Everything has it's time and everything dies!'

    We are all heading for death and so is the earth one way or another. Man will destroy this planet or natural causes will.

    We will sleep long in death and at peace not knowing anything in our oblivion.

    On a happier note............

  • blondie

    That's BESTY not BETSY

  • jgnat

    I have high hopes that humanity can pull out of this death-dive through ingenuity and spunk. Our default position as human beings is to survive, after all.

    The earth isn't dying. It's in crisis. That's all.

  • KateWild


    You are free to ponder on the what if's in life if you chose. At 2Ti 3.1-5 the bible talks about what some people are like today. It can be said that the bible is right. But the whole bible is not right, if the world ends through natural disasters or by climate change due to man ruining the earth is doesn't mean WT is right, they have just predicted something many from all walks of life are predicting.

    Do you really think Jehovah will save you at armageddon if you worship him? Do you really think Jehovah will only save JWs?

    Think about the smaller picture for a change, what will become of your family in the next 12 months? What are you going to do as a father and husband to enjoy family life? Why don't you book a lovely holiday (vacation) somewhere nice? Make precious memorable moments with them.

    Take care

    Kate xx

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Considering the earth is anywhere from 3.5-4.5 billion years old, the Universe 13.5 billion years old, and humans have been here for only a brief moment of that time, who's to say this weather pattern has not already repeated itself thousands or tens of thousands of times ? Human view of time is so limited, and what happens in a 50-100 year period may seem significant or eventful to us, but viewed in perspective, events like glacial melt are not only normal but irrelevant.


    DD: Is it just coincidence that groups like JWs say we are near the END?? What if they are accidentally right this time?

    A broken clock is also correct twice a what??

    Incidentally, the scr. in Revelation WT uses to "prove" humans will "ruin the earth" is a complete misapplication. "Ruining the earth" alludes to spiritual/moral ruin, not a destruction of the planet.

  • jgnat

    ADCMS, I am sure in the OT, cursed land was cursed land. People knew that their prosperity came from a fruitful earth. Paul spiritualized it later.

    Cursed shall be the fruit of your body and the produce of your land, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flocks. (Deut. 28)

    DD, consider also that the bible is very specific that the earth would not be destroyed by flood ever again. The next time is supposed to be by fire. If we experience catastrophic flooding, God has broken his promise.

    Not that there isn't plenty of evidence that we are up for some pretty spectacular weather, and.....flooding.

  • wannabefree

    JW's will always spin things to fit there message. So ocean front property lines are redrawn and growing seasons on the back of seed packages need to be adjusted. The earth and life on it will survive.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    If we experience catastrophic flooding, God has broken his promise.

    Do tsunamis count ??


    Thanks Blondie! I get a little cixelsyd sometimes.

    Call me BETSY!!! HAHAHAHAH!!!

    Good points everyone. I'll be dead before the Earth floods... I will have some fun like Kate suggested.!! I just got weirded out for a moment..


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