A numerology of sorts...

by ateograciasadios 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ateograciasadios

    I remember seeing the Warwick promotional video, and wondering if the WT had found a street with the name King's on purpose, or if it was just a coincidence. Now, I had never noticed that the address for one of the Kingdom Halls in Cleveland, Ohio, has a very interesting number. See for yourself the pictures I took yesterday, or googlemap the address: 1914 E 75th St, Cleveland.

    In any case, finding a location with a specific number seems to me like going out of their way for no reason, or is it perhaps -simply put- superstition???



  • Apognophos

    We can't see pictures that are on your hard drive, buddy :-) Try putting them on imgur.com.

  • ateograciasadios

    yeah, I am kind of an idiot for this.... let me try again.

  • ateograciasadios

    Thanks, Apognophos!

  • Apognophos

    Haha, I agree the 1914 address must be intentional. I suppose you could call it numerology, or just superstition (a preference for lucky numbers). Certainly the JWs have a rich history of numerology. As far as the Kings address for Warwick, do we know if that was a pre-existing street, or if they named the street themselves because it's a road that they built to lead to their facility?

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