Just learned. Genesi 1 doesn't actually depict the creation of the planet Earth

by srd 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • speargrass55

    The problem is jws will quote 2Tim 3:16 as proof the Bible is inspired.

  • EndofMysteries

    Genesis one is simutaneously describing the creation and order of heavenly bodies, spirit creatures, and good and evil (which is why the tree of knowledge of good and evil was a big deal later on). But you will never uncover how it teaches all of those things by reading in an already translated english bible. You must go to the hebrew source to see what was changed and assumed and how it hides the truth of what genesis teaches.

  • srd

    "Genesis one is simutaneously describing the creation and order of heavenly bodies, spirit creatures, and good and evil"

    -- Wrong; nothing in the HEBREW text about spiritual creatures; and tree of good and evil is Gen 2

    "But you will never uncover how it teaches all of those things by reading in an already translated english bible."

    -- WRONG. You're special pleading and speculating theology --- none of this has anything to do with the text itself, what it says and does not say, its authors, audience (not you, by the way!), and its historical and literary context.

    "You must go to the hebrew source to see what was changed and assumed and how it hides the truth of what genesis teaches."

    DOUBLY WRONG. Although I advocate learning Hebrew, you're special pleading again and in fact ignoring the texts, and their views, and beliefs by trying to support your own through "secret" hermenutics and "changed" words.

    I don't care what you want to belief and argue theologically. But manipulating these ancient documents to support your beliefs, or blatantly making them somehting they ain't to support you beliefs... that's just dishonest and negligent toward the text, their authors. etc.

  • EndofMysteries

    SRD - looking at Genesis one in the hebrew, if I am incorrect please answer this question...... It says how light was created and constant seperation of light, then it says how the sun and moon were created, and it was to show WHEN the light was ruling. Why would the sun need to be made to show when the light was ruling?

    " Wrong; nothing in the HEBREW text about spiritual creatures" - nonstop in Gensis 1 it's speaking of 'him' and 'her'. Seeds of him, etc. The him and her then play when you get into the punishment for the tree of knowledge. Emnity between his seed and her seed. Whoever the 'his' is and the 'her' is in those scriptures is part of what's talked about in Genesis 1 when reading it in hebrew.

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