My Story,...again I guess

by HowTheBibleWasCreated 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    I previously posted under HowTheBiblewasInvented however since then my comouter died and all info lost..thus the new name and new intro. BTW my post are always PG rated.

    First I am a born in, baptized at 16 but could never kick the masterbation habit lol. I felt Jehovah would either 1: Kill me at Armagedden or 2: Forgive me.

    For the later hope I lived and after my father died I continued. However the bible to me was large and simply put boring then. I neave read it other then when asked at the hall to read a verse.

    Thus I was actually in ignorance of the very book I believed.

    Forward to 2007 April I started reading Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained... Besides the 7000 year crap the rest SEEMED to make sense and I was devot more the ever on my way to wanting to be a and MS but not an elder. (I would never DF someone)

    But as I examined what I believed I found a chasim. A Cliff. A Divide. The Hebrew Bible-OT and the Christian Bible-NT were so differerent! I mean it was simple with Moses and the law.. Now Paul screws it all up lol

    But of course I was working in my mind to find a JW answer and the new Acts commentary -Benfit Book helped.

    However I am a reader. I went to the library one day and found a book titled 'How to Read the Bible'- James Kugel. It sounded innocent enough. It was a secular book and I thought it was what the title said thus grabbed it.

    It wasn't

    The book only deal with the OT. But as it was seceular it showed the creation as copies from Babylonian stories.<< At this point I skipped Genesis

    Futher however I was shocked. Goshen.. the Israelite lived there in 1513BCE? Nope! It wasn't named until 641 BCE Yahweh the god of a Shashu tribe? If this was so Jesus was either:

    1. An ignorant Jew

    2. A fool

    3. Never existed

    I was horrified because if this was true I would DIE! and never come back!

    I went to bed disturbed but got up to reasearch one topic- Evolution.

    Of course I knew the 'blue book'. Book I wanted one thing. - 100%proof of fissils.. no digs etc. I found this video:

    This video killed the 'faith'

    I sat at the Kingdom Hall the next day knowing Jehovah was a Shashu God and these pathetic idiots believed in him and LIED TO ME! (The elders know these facts! They have to be liars!)

    So I became in active.. I faded.. and drank more then I ever had! BUT

    I was enged to a JW sister in the Philippines.

    I wasn't about to ruin our marriage of course so sat silent through our wedding reading ephesians and other detro-pauline books abour marriage advise lol

    I went back to the bible not as a beliver but as a curious person fasinated by it now.. not scared. I loved it.. NOT AS THE WORD OF GOD but as he best book ever made..

    I wanted to know why people would deceive me.

    After months I started HowTheBibleWasMade on YouTube. however then my knowledge was not 100% up to date.

    Now my wife is here and I will not ruin our marriage by outing at the wrong time. I have already mailed DVDS (Without my name on return adress lol) of the video I linked to elders. This will either free them our warn them.

    As to my wife she is hooked on the 'paradise gospel'. Shee in the Philipines although they have a pysical paradise the government and religious dispute make it a not-paradise thus Jeblobber will change it all. Well sadly I cannot argue with this. BUT

    Since we are in Canada a Secular society I often subtully ask her to read the Bible (LIEBLE as some cal it*) and find out how loving Jah is.

    This is the trap im in. I will not lose my wife over a petty wordview difference.. plus we have a child .. to be born within two weks.. hell it could be tonight lol

    *The bible is NOT a book of lies. it is a book of propoganda! It is a book of sincere men and women who wanted to explain the world around then and beseech Yahweh for help. 2 Kings although only 50% true contians truth so I myself will never call the bible-LieBl like some here do. It is insulting to literture and once you see the bible as great literture you will love it... not as god's words though.

    My last comment:

    In the last few months I have been shown newer fact thus my channel is in need of severe revisial but I am writing a book instead.

    some revisals:

    J- Post Exilic


    Jesus- Josephus says he was a crazy prophet that died when a stone crushed him

    David- I already posted but he likely was a title to Ataliah that continued and was later personified.

    Paul=Simon Magus... I think most will object to this but I have very clear evidende from 2 corinthans >> See next point

    Luke-Acts.. A revisal of Marcian's gospel and written to a Theopolis that lived around 180CE!!

    My eventual goal .. once my wife and kids are free.. is to detroy the WT.. then every single church-synagouge and mosque by 'wisdom;

  • happy@last

    Welcome, again. In your quest to free everyone don't forget your wife and newborn child. Sadly not everyone wants to be freed.

  • Ocean1111

    I have found there are as many versions of Bible critics critics as there are Bible critics. So time to research James Kugel's claims and find out where they came from, and the various alternetive rationale to the rationale he proposes. Before you know it all reality is called into question, because there is always and alternative to the alternative to the alternative of the alternative of the standard alternative of the standard.

    Buying one man's opinion from the "secular" "gods" is as bad as buying the governing body's apostasy as of "divine origin". It really takes more research to find out the difference between the pan and the fire. If only it was so easy. Time for more research in my opnion. I found this out in college, the "gods" there were actually idiots acting like gods, everything I learned other than the law of gravity, has now been superceded. And since I have not checked the gravity debate, I could still be in the fire in that category.

    Question everything, then question the answer, then question the answer to the question's answer and so on. When the Bible says "many decievers have gone forth into the world", that is certainly the truth. But even more people are out there just making many mistakes, not purposeul deception, and that number surpasses the number of purposeful decievers, imo, so you have to deal with the general ignorance of the majority. These are people who generally aid the ignorance by not researching and not questioning things as the first lie that fits right is the one they keep from point A to point Z (the grave). Research certainly cannot hurt in my opinion.

    How lucky could you be that James Kugel is your Savior and you just happened upon him in the first try? Try door number three.

  • MadGiant

    "My eventual goal .. once my wife and kids are free.. is to detroy the WT.. then every single church-synagouge and mosque by 'wisdom;" - HTBWC

    Civilization will not attain perfection until the last stone from the last church, falls on the last priest. --Emile Zola

    Welcome, again. Good luck with your family, eradication of religion would be a great thing, count me in.

    Take care,


  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    Ocean 111: James Kugel is a schoolar who happens to be a liberal Jew. He is not a savior lol. You would benifit by watching his videos on YouTube though.

    As I stated when the faith conflict came from his book I searched to see if what was in his books was true. And yes as you say he has many sources.

    One of his sources is Richard Elliot Friedman << You know who he is.

    To be true James Kugel is half-half in his writing keeping his personality back from his wiriting so you can decide.

    You mention 'secular gods'. I am not political.. thanks to JWs I admit but I don't worship governments. They exist because of human culture over the last 5000 years since agriculture.

    Question everything yes. I do. When you read wikepedia read the sources. The numbers by the quote. I wish the WT had number by their quotes LOL.

  • Crazyguy

    What really killed the bible for me is finding out that the god El name not title was a canaanite god from the city of uragrit.

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    Yes El. Exodus 3:14,15 and Exodus 6:3 try to cover this worship of El under the rug. Yet the fact remains if you change the word God to El when reading the Hebrew scriptures it makes more sense.

    The New Testament assumes one god so the word God there is Theos which is actually a term for any deity.

  • Apognophos

    Welcome, HTBWC. I appreciate a lot of what you have to say. Just be careful about buying into the conspiracy theories about things like Paul's "true identity". It's too hard to ascertain what actually happened back then; we can only guess. There are good arguments for Jesus existing and also arguments that he was a myth, or is a composite of false messiahs. Josephus was also not a trustworthy historian. Likewise, as you said, the Bible is not all lies. Some parts are clearly historical, like the acts of Hezekiah and some other kings in the OT, and the travels of Paul also feel authentic.

    It's good that you don't push your views on your wife, as a little bit of religion in her life doesn't really do anyone any harm.

  • What is Truth?
    What is Truth?

    I love that book, great video too, really helped me deprogram WT propoganda. Great channel, keep up the good work brother, spread the light.


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