Dealing with feelings of resentment?

by new hope and happiness 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    On the main i have found peace with my watchtower exsperience, but i do have occasional feelings of resentment towards some i feel dissapointed in. I have tryed to dismiss this with it was my fault for putting these people on a pedestal they didnt belong. But how deal with these feelings?

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Just accept that we are only human, we make mistakes, (I've made some beauties!) and that sometimes our trust is betrayed by some wolves in sheep's clothing!

    That doesn't make us idiots - it's part of our growing, maturing, and most importantly, LEARNING from our experiences - whether good or bad!

    I still can't believe how I could have been so blind, but I know that I am now a better, wiser and stronger person for the experience, and am in a position to gently plant seeds with those who are in the position I was!

    Be thankful, not bitter!!

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Hej searcher i am " New Hope and Happiness" not bitter. But i am dissapointed that some friends who claim a higher consciousness have such little power to enact these principles and question the authority of the organisation.Such " cowardice" and hiding behind the threat of disfellowshipping so there can avoid confronting fact. But searcher i am not hunger for love or acceptance from these exfriends just dissapointed. Maybe resentment was a bad choice of word?

  • punkofnice

    Just roll with it.

    I sometimes have really violent feelings against the Governing Body and cannot repeat on here what I'd like to personally do to them given the chance.

    I was born in and raised as a drone in the filthy, disgusting cult of Jehovah's witnesses(tm), so I cut myself a little slack for it all.

    Having said that, everything's as grim as usual.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Disappointment is good!! I can do that!! Just keep your door and your arms open for those who change their minds about you!

  • DesirousOfChange

    I still can't believe how I could have been so blind, but I know that I am now a better, wiser and stronger person for the experience, and am in a position to gently plant seeds with those who are in the position I was!

    I need to try to adjust to that point of view. I too can't believe I was so blind, but I'm still at the stage of feeling like the Idiot, and I'm mad as hell about being duped so completely and for so long.


  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    I think its a good thing to let my feelings out here. I mean my current friends just wouldnt get it...

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Yes another and more positive way to look at is is :-

    A)i dont have to work 8-10 hours and come home to knock on doors and attend meetings.

    B) i have enhanced my charactor because leaving involved courage and moral choice.

    well maybe C is is best way to look at it.

    C) I am no longer owned by an organisation.

  • MissFit

    And remember you are not alone. Many were blinded and are on the same path . Your story might save someone some time. The sooner we open our eyes the sooner we can begin our real lives.


  • lriddle80

    I have that same conflict. I know that I should forgive them because I heard that you can become like the thing that you cannot forgive. This can be seen in my life because I resent the rejection and superior attitude and I have felt superior too. So, I heard if you ask God to help you forgive 5000 times that day, the next day 2456 times, and so on until it is completely gone. Since I still have all my family except for me in still, it's a little difficult, but I just have to pray for them until I have peace. I'll start that tonight and see how it goes. I do love getting on here and seeing all the sarcasm and parodies...I'm not sure if it helps my case, though, but it sure is funny!

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