Biblical apologetics applied:

by bohm 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • bohm

    "Ladies and gentleman of the jury.

    My client is accused of a serious crime, the crime of letting his 160 pounds pitpull terrier 'Muppy' maul the neighbours two kid to death for calling his good friend Bob fat.

    Ladies and gentlemen we must put aside our emotions and consider all relevant information in the complicated ethical situation my client found himself in that fatefull afternoon when he let loose 'Muppy' on those kids and watched her gulp down their bloodied remains.

    In particular there are two very important and indisputable facts to which I wish to direct your attention. The first is the neighbours kids was teenagers, age 15 and 17, and as such should understand the clear and obvious moral relationship between calling someone fat and letting your Pitbull terrier eat someone alive. There is no, despite what some may think, moral equivalency between these two acts. No, calling someone fat is an evil and despictable act in which light my clients actions where both a just and considerate response to the heinous injusticy Bob was subjected to.

    The second important fact I wish to point you to is it was the 'Muppy', not my client, who in fact mauled the kids. My client only instructed Muppy to do so.

    Ladies and gentlemen, as you can clearly see, it is true that my client is both not guilty and guilty but the kids had it comming. This is all you need to know. The defence rests."

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    There probably is a metaphor here but I'm too dense to find it.

  • fakefading

    The Elijah story of him being called baldy?

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    When god kills, or orders to be killed by his minions, men, women, yoofs, children, toddlers and babes in arms it's obviousy for a very good damn reason and we are well minded to keep schtum about it ...

    But, let's just think for a moment instead eh.

    He either doesnt exist and religiously blinded communities and individuals use his "authority" to excuse whatever they want excused, or else he does exist and is a total utter asshole who doesnt deserve anything but contempt and if possible to be exterminated as a danger to all.

    The other option could be that he exists and people have misrepresented him as an evil asshole, in which case he has done nothing but go into hiding and hope no one has noticed.

    My opinion is he has never existed at all and all the gods man has ever made up have had cruel evil and obvious HUMAN qualities and traits. Yahweh is no exception. But he's still an asshole.

  • bohm

    Like fakefading mentioned the case is analogous to the two most common appolegetics techniques applied to the Elijah story of the two Bears (Come to think of it, there is also: "don't question what my client does he is such a great guy" which can be applied as a last resort).

    23 Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up by the way, young lads came out from the city and mocked him and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead; go up, you baldhead!” 24 When he looked behind him and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up forty-two lads of their number. 25 And he went from there to Mount Carmel, and from there he returned to Samaria

  • eyeuse2badub

    I've often wondered (even as a young person which I once was, I wondered) if these 42 'young lads' were physically disabled or mentally disabled! How is it that only 2 bears could overtake and kill 42 'young lads' and none of them escape. Very fast ninja bears? Very slow running 'young lads'? Suicidal "young lads'? Did big j temporarily paralyze the 42 'young lads'? It's ludricrous that 2 bears could uncontestedly conquer 42 healthy 'young lads'!

    just saying!


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