BOE april 25

by Gorbatchov 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gorbatchov

    committeechairman, its about the ownership of the congregational property (hall and other property, like living quarters above halls).

    In The Netherlands, the ownership of all these property has to be transferd to the Watchtower Society. The ownership will be centralised.

    There is a lot of oposition, mostly from witness who live in a living quater above a kingdom hall, like special pioneers and some "normal" rank-and-file witness. They are told by the Society that they have to leave the property as soon as possible.

    It seems the organization is taking all assets that are possible.

    The organizational decrete is written in a BOE dated 25 april, in the Netherlands.


  • St George of England
    St George of England

    This has already happened to most KH's in the UK.

    The properties are held by the Kingdom Hall Trust. See charity Commission site.


  • Gorbatchov

    St George of England, thanks for the information. The amount in this Trust must be enormous, since a kingdom hall is an investment of 1 milion euro, here in the Netherlands.

    For the Watchtower Society it would be an enormous boost of the left side of the ballance sheet in their administration.

    The worldwide property can be used for enormous mortages for the Society.

    It's scary how they changed unseen from a end time religion into a property fund. No more and no less.


  • frankiespeakin

    Kinda sounds like the Corporation plans on some serious liquidation of property in the future, things must be very bad for them as in this whole child molestation lawsuit thing threaten to break their backs and start a snowballing of momentum causeing many to develope bad feelings about this batch of Governing Body CEOs.

    Could turn out to be very scandalous in the furure:

    As the far-reaching, devastating scandal unfolds; CNBC delves into the mind of investment manager Bernie Madoff and explores how the ponzi scheme worked. Who were the victims in the multi-billion dollar scam?

    A confidence trick ( synonyms include confidence scheme and scam ) is an attempt to defraud a person or group after first gaining their confidence , in the classical sense of trust . A confidence artist (or con artist ) is an individual, operating alone or in concert with others, who exploits characteristics of the human psyche such as dishonesty , honesty , vanity , compassion , credulity , irresponsibility , naïveté , or greed .

  • fastJehu

    For germany:

    the official website has this PDF:

    It shows all KHs (page 3 ...) who MUST transfered to "Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts Jehovas Zeugen in Deutschland".

    Here you can see the "Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts Jehovas Zeugen in Deutschland" in Berlin:

    So in germany this was done with a "church law" from the "Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts Jehovas Zeugen in Deutschland".

    Maybe in Netherland it is simular and no BOE-letter was necessary.

  • Gorbatchov

    frankiespiekin, there is something going on. I am not sure the situation is now bad for them. My opinion is that new advisors have done their job at headquarters, get so much influence as you can, take so much moeny as you can.

    I think they use their assets for enormous investments on a scale you and I can only dream of. They must have a dealingroom or something like that.

    Just like the most rich people on earth. They park their money day by day in a country with the most revenue.

    Today the UK or US, tomorrow Dubai. I think they move their assets with one mouse click.

    They are not in need. They are an property and investment vehicle.

    I hate to say this, because once it was my organization, my life. Now i'm in a fade, it hurts me to see how the rank and file are used for money and assets reasons. Jo and Mandy Publisher are poor sheeps.


  • Gorbatchov

    FastJedu thanks so much! Internet is a great help finding the real truth.


  • committeechairman

    Something wierd is going on. I saw a letter on Saturday that talked about KH renting space to other entities and people not in special full time service, and it probably would have been dated April 25. However, now I can't find it at all. This is under the US branch.

    I'll check and see if I downloaded a copy somewhere. Very strange.

  • Gorbatchov

    committeechairman, I think that is the document i'm searching for.


  • committeechairman

    Found the letter I was thinking of - it was dated 3/26 and called "Use of Congregation Property" and just saw it on Saturday morning - sure it was posted either that day or the day before because I watch the site really, really closely.

    I'll grab the language and post it. I don't see any language that implies transfer of ownership to the branch office but you can judge for yourself.


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