I think it's remarkable

by Old Goat 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Old Goat
    Old Goat

    I think it's remarkable that real watch tower history exists, despite the Watchtower Society's attempts to control the message. By now, everyone who reads my posts knows I'm a fan of the truthhistory.blogspot.com blog. And of the new book, A Separate Identity. I've just come from reading the newest article on their blog. You should read it. I'm so pleased with the detail. Why didn't the Watchtower write something like this? Simple, direct history, let the chips fall where they may. I would respect them more for it.

    The one point I found most interesting is the comment that Paton continued to consider himself a clergyman and lived off his preaching. Maybe he would have done better by staying a farmer. As I watch this history develop, I find my self bemused that one of the authors (Schulz) who is a Witness (Dr. de Vienne isn't a Witness) can write with this detail and de-mythify Watchtower propaganda. In the interests of full disclosure, I worked with Mr. (Dr?) Schulz way back in the day at District Conventions. He's one of the few Witnesses I continue to respect.



  • cofty

    Thank you!

    All repressive regimes doctor their history. Its fantastic that this project has been done while the sources still exist.

  • cultBgone

    saving for later

  • LisaRose

    Mr. Chips always says that history should be written by whatever side lost. It's just the nature of organizations, governments, religions and individuals to revise their history, sometimes consciously, sometimes not.

  • LogCon


  • Hortensia

    While Russell did not take collections, Paton accepted fees and collections throughout his ministry. His income depended on his intenerate ministry.

    You might tell them "intenerate" means "to soften." I think the word they want is "itinerant," which means "traveling."

  • Old Goat
    Old Goat

    It's rough draft writing. She says so in the introduction. I think they'll discover the misspelling on their own.

  • Hortensia

    OK, just the old edit/rewrite coming out in me.

  • Oubliette

    OG: Why didn't the Watchtower write something like this? Simple, direct history, let the chips fall where they may. I would respect them more for it.

    The obvious answer is that the WTBTS is not interested in accurate history or our respect.

    Listen, Obey and Be Blessed - It's a cult!

  • Old Goat
    Old Goat

    A cult? The modern Watchtower organization reminds me of the Sons of Eli.

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