BOE - PDF - CONFIDENTIAL 2014-04-22 Adjustment in process for appointing elders and ministerial servants

by WatchTower87 51 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stuckinarut2

    Oh and lets review the real things that allow someone to qualify: (notice there are no scriptures used for this)

    VISIBLE in service with cong ...minimum of 12 hours.

    LOTS of answers at meetings.

    ACTIVE in talks and assigments spouting exact info from WT personal thoughts

    DRESS and GROOMING standard as per WT rules

    IDEAL FAMILY doing all of the above

    oh, and some vague reference to 1Tim and Titus re some sort of personality points....

  • Scully

    I'm thinking that if this change is legitimate, it is serving the WTS more than anyone else. As always, the rule to FOLLOW THE MONEY offers some insight in this Adjustment™.

    For example, suppose Elder X is found out to be a child molester. His appointment by the Circuit Overseer™ will provide a buffer against any liability that the WTS has.

    The Circuit Overseer™ having taken a Vow of Poverty™, will not be able to pay any damages to victims of Elder X. And because the WTS did not Appoint™ Elder X, they have no financial liability if damages are payable to the victim.

    A word of caution to anyone who is named as a trustee of any Kingdom Hall™: Protect your assets. If any member of your Congregation™ is found criminally responsible for a crime and that crime has to do with defrauding other members of the Congregation™ or using their position within the Congregation™ in order to defraud or victimize members of the Congregation™ (or even a JW with access to protected medical information who uses such to inform on another member of the Congregation™), as a Trustee you can be held financially liable if damages are payable by the Congregation™.

    The way I see things going, the WTS counts all Kingdom Halls™ among its financial assets (it charges RENT in perpetuity, after all), while the Trustees are named, more or less, as legal custodians for the day-to-day affairs - maintenance, utility bills, etc. It always seemed to me that the people named as Trustees have some measure of financial security - they own their own homes, they have businesses or a good income. It seems to me that people in the position of Trustee may not realize the financial peril they put themselves in should a lawsuit ever arise against the Congregation™.

  • NotBlind

    At the end of today's SAD, this letter was read verbatim as it was quoted here.

    Believe me, it's real.

  • skin

    Yep. It was read out here in New Zealand word for word. my strong jw relatives think this is to prepare us for when the GB/FDS etc go under ban. So the end must be near...

  • Nebeska Nada
    Nebeska Nada

    ATJ, it is real! We've got it in Croatian also!


  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    ATJ >> Guess that means the other rumor about the CO arrangement going away from a few years ago is officially debunked. ;)

    The trend was correct - the rest is just letter scrabble. . . . . DOs | DO | D :: C | CO | COs.

    Watchtower's "First GB Kings" rule!



  • AnnOMaly

    Got it. No problems. Thanks :-)

    New design letterhead's interesting. CCoJWs is out. GBoJWs is in.

    I know it's been mentioned before, but how will COs know if any prospective elder or MS is on the WTS's 'possible or verified pedophile' database? Will they have access to it?

  • Pistoff

    From Scully:

    "For example, suppose Elder X is found out to be a child molester. His appointment by the Circuit Overseer™ will provide a buffer against any liability that the WTS has."

    Ding Ding! We have a winner!

    It is ALWAYS about the money.

  • Terry

    Here is what I say about the Society and its need for ADJUSTMENTS . . .

    Why did you hang that picture of Truth crooked in the first place, so now you have to go back and "adjust" it? Hmmm?

  • Terry

    I just want to say IF . . .

    If the Society had a hacker working for it who could write a virus for download . . . for spying on Apostates . . .

    what better place to attach it than to these BOE letters?

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