Unbelievable Watchtower quote from 1962!!.. ''Don't waste time speculating on what year Armageddon will come'' (check it on cd-rom if you like)

by defender of truth 38 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Wt 6/15 1962 p.380-383:

    "We cannot worship Jehovah in spirit and in truth if our worship is based on speculation. Truth and theory are not synonymous."

    The first sentence in that article on page 380 asks the question:

    "HAVE you noticed how frequently the apostle Paul alerted Christians to guard against speculation and unprofitable questions?"

    The article that these quotes are taken from was written back in 1962!

    For the past 52 years The Watchtower Society has flooded and inundated its publications with nothing but 'speculation and unprofitable questions'!

    This past Watchtower study from the 2/15/14 Watchtower page 8 entitled 'Rejoice Over The Marriage Of The Lamb' is just another example of WT's own issues with speculation and theorizing.


  • Vanderhoven7

    Interesting quote. The whole rerligion is based on extra-biblical speculation/

  • Zoos

    DATA-DOG: I even warned others to be careful of JWN because ther were "real apostates" here!

    OH MY GOD! I did that too! LOL

  • Finkelstein

    One might ask, In what year will Armageddon begin?...Jehovah has not provided answers at this time. Do you think it wise for Christians to take time from more profitable Bible study to speculate on the answers?

    I think DOT doesn't realize is that the WTS. constantly contradicts itself quite often.

    At one time they will make statements like that then in the next Watchtower or Awake

    issue they are implicating Armageddon is soon so be prepared,

    don't bother to marry or have children or go to University to get a higher education. ...etc.


    The game is played like this ... agree and support all the doctrines put forth by the WTS.

    and be lauded as being spiritually strong and righteous or oppose the WTS. doctrines and

    be cast as one who is spiritually weak and perhaps demonised against god's will and


    Its really quite elementary.


    The ending result is creating a social environment where people are being subservient and subjective to the WTS's

    direction and control ..... and also creating an environment where anyone who doesn't abide to that established power and

    control by the WTS., is deemed wicked and non-subservient to Jehovah god himself.


    The reality is that the WTS. religious organization has done but nothing but strongly speculate on the time and the

    occurrence of Armageddon and has used that is a plausible vehicle to attract attention to their own publications

    .....unfortunately it worked.

  • Finkelstein

    DOT says .... Cheers to Finkelstein for completely ignoring the OP and demonstrating what side of the Jwornotjw line I am seen to fall on.

    Thanks Dismissing Servant, but I'm starting to think Emeth may have been right about this place being a waste of time.

    I'm not achieving anything anyway. Good health to you.


    Quite the contrary "The Truth" to the workings and endeavors by the WTS. were posted clearly on this thread.

    What has been done here is show just how the WTS. indiscriminately talks through both corners of its mouth.


    Its funny and bit ironic when JW apologetics come here and are confronted by the truth of the WTS.

    they cowardly run away with their tails between their legs.


    To DOT and Emeth I hope you learned a lessen.

  • sd-7

    Well, remember, the key here is that YOU should not speculate. The Writing Committee can speculate all it wants and it'll all still be called 'truth'. Really, why waste time speculating when we can speculate for you?


  • Pistoff


    Right on the mark. Except when they speculate, it is called new light, and you better fall in line.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    "I think DOT doesn't realize is that the WTS. constantly contradicts itself quite often.

    At one time they will make statements like that then in the next Watchtower or Awake

    issue they are implicating Armageddon is soon so be prepared,

    don't bother to marry or have children or go to University to get a higher education. ...etc."

    In fact DOT started realizing it some moth ago in another thread......about defending "the truth".

    In fact tha's why DOT started this thread where hi/she is critical towards the WTS.

    Let's keep in mind that this process is not a very easy and painless one.......please go easy with doubting JW's ...there is no use scaring them away from this board.

  • Phaedra

    "Truth and theory are not synonymous [unless it originates from US and we say so]."


  • Finkelstein

    I think its important to realize that just about all of the WTS's doctrines right back to 1874 were created to attract attention to its own published goods and to the

    very people who made those specific proclamations.

    Sure upon close examination of those doctrines they were proven to be false and misleading but they were nevertheless advantageous toward proliferating literature.

    The WTS. was and still is an organized association of religious charlatanism, not by their own self description of course.


    I understand people who have recently come to the honest truth of the matter, can be a bit emotionally disturbing in the realization of that fact .

    But I think its better in the long run for these ones to know whats going on so they can accept something more important than the WTS. , that being the truth.

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