by steve2 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2

    The US edition of the June Kingdom Ministry urges the still-active Witnesses to get out and preach in August saying that it is fitting because the anniversary of the start of the time of the end will be in that month. Puh-lease! What arch hypocrites!

    They won't allow children to have birthdays but they celebrate a date on a calendar that suits their doctrinal purpose...which is itself virtually the "birthday" of the start of the time of the end - according to their doctrine.

    Perhaps the "celebrations" will backfire when they try to load 100 candles on the celebratory cake and there will be a huge burnout of faith in this man-made date.

    Besides, the organization was incorporated in 1876 - decades before 1914.

    There may well be moments of unease when the few Witnesses with operating brain cells realize the organization has kept them in panic-mode to urgently preach about an end that never comes. And what is the anniversary about exactly? What does it draw attention to? To celebrate the anniversary of a date that hinges in its entirety on human speculation and wishful thinking.

    Sad. Pathetic. Hypocritical.

  • Heaven

    The US edition of the June Kingdom Ministry urges the still-active Witnesses to get out and preach in August saying that it is fitting because the anniversary of the start of the time of the end will be in that month.

    Wow. They really have no clue what this statement actually signifies.

    "JWs celebrate 100 years of nothing has happened yet."

    Their urgent message and work seems to be a huge waste of time as Armageddon is neither 'imminent' nor 'coming soon'. In other words, 100 years is not 'soon'. Neither is more than 2000 years (as per Revelation).

    So who's territory are these people in? Who will be preaching to this Amazonian tribe discovered in 2008? Anybody? Anybody?!:

    Uncontacted Amazonian Tribe

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    but the anniversary is on October 2... isn't it?

    On Friday morning, October 2, 1914, Charles Taze Russell, who took the lead at that time among the Bible Students, strode into the dining room at Bethel in Brooklyn, New York. “Good morning, all,” he said cheerily. Then, before taking his seat, he joyfully announced: “The Gentile times have ended; their kings have had their day.” - Watchtower November 1, 2007 page 24 paragraph 11...

  • Zoos

    This might actually be a good thing. I think most JWs have not given any real thought to the significance of it being 100 years later... that there are only 900 years left of Christi's reign... that they were supposed to have an entire 1000 years to grow to perfection, but they're still dying.

    For the WT to highlight the anniversary could very well be a good thing, especially when they send the flock out to celebrate it by doing something most of them hate anyway

    We'll see.

  • Splash

    Zoos I think most JWs have not given any real thought to the significance of it being 100 years later... that there are only 900 years left of Christi's reign... that they were supposed to have an entire 1000 years to grow to perfection, but they're still dying.

    You are correct, of course, but this is not what JW's believe.

    This 100 years of Christ's reign is not part of his 1000 year rule. They are quite different!

    Christ can rule for as long as he likes, before he rules for 1000 years.

    Now does it make sense?


  • Zoos

    Not trying to derail the thread...

    Watchtower, September 1, 1989, p.18 par.3

    Since Jesus will never die again, he is in position to rule as King over mankind for a thousand years and to “bruise” the head of the symbolic serpent, crushing him out of existence after the end of the Thousand Year Reign.

    JWs understand his rule as king started in 1914. WT stated doctrine is that his rule will last 1000 years. If I'm missing something here I'll be happy to participate in a new thread to hammer out the details.

  • prologos

    Zoos, -- in your wt quote was: "--is in POSITION to rule--" like runners in their starting blocks.?

    what wt weasel words.

    He is now in position to start ruling for 1000 years --AFTER ARMAGEDDON-- but

    Christ rules AREADY since 1914,- for a hundert years, is that like a false start? or perhaps

    the length of the rebellion after the 1000 year reich?

    In 2019 we can celebrate the centennial of the generation (making) of the F & D S.

    exciting. perhaps

    We have not just overlapping groups in a generation, but

    OVERLAPPING RULES in one Kingdom. including the RULE of the GOVERNING body aka FADS.

  • Splash

    Zoos JWs understand his rule as king started in 1914. WT stated doctrine is that his rule will last 1000 years.

    In black and white from a recent WT:

    w14 01/15 p. 16 para. 14-15:
    "Even though Jehovah crowned his Son, Jesus Christ, as the Messianic King in 1914, this was not the full answer to our prayer “let your Kingdom come.”

    When we pray for God’s Kingdom to come, we are asking God that the Messianic King and his associate rulers come to put an end to human rulership and remove the earthly opposers of the Kingdom.

    The time for this to happen is very near. How fitting that our yeartext for 2014, the 100th anniversary of the establishment of God’s Kingdom in heaven, is Matthew 6:10: “Let your Kingdom come”!

    After the Messianic King destroys God’s enemies, he will throw Satan and his demons into an abyss for a thousand years."


    So to explain in logical terms, Jesus comes to rule in 1914. He rules for 100 or more years. Then at armageddon he rules again, this time for the stated 1000 years.


  • Zoos

    Splash, Prologos, I see now. That makes sense. (EDIT: Your point makes sense, not WT dogma) This means my understanding was flawed even when in.

    Steve2, sorry for the sideline.

  • quellycatface


    A birthday to celebrate how stupid they are.

    I feel for the poor buggers that still believe all their bullshit.

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