MARTIAN novel prologue: teaser

by Terry 13 Replies latest jw friends


    When you have ancient paintings and not so ancient paintings like these:

    it makes you wonder??? Maybe mankind is being groomed for a "savior" to appear? What's the difference between the CIA destabilizing a government and then "saving" that country with democracy vs. Martians creating havoc on Earth so the "Messiah" can step in? Perhaps they have been at it for thousands and thousands of years?? Perhaps Xianity is their tool? After all, humans are much to powerful to conquer if they are united. The trick is to have them willingly give away their freedom... [shudder..] Creepy...


  • Terry

    I'm constantly revising as I go, BTW. By the time I publish I will have changed by degrees all the above.

    Old time songwriters would often write a "dummy" lyric first so they'd have something to fit the notes.

    Later, when the tune was in shape, they'd go back and replace the dummy lyric with a real lyric.

    There is one exception I know of where the actual DUMMY lyric was so catchy the song writer decided to keep it. (Tea for Two.)

    I say all that to say this:

    The idea of Jesus coming back would fit very nicely into a Martian scheme to invade and control without opposition.

    I asked myself "what if" Russell and Rutherford didn't know they were being funneled false information just to prepare 7 or 8 million people

    for Martian overlords? What if "Paradise" after the destruction of the other billions, were just a plan for slavery of another kind?


    I love it!!


  • Terry

    Also, I'm often struck by how weird OTHER PEOPLE'S beliefs sound to all of us because we haven't been raised hearing

    them discussed as true.

    For instance, Joseph Smith put a "Seer stone"(a rock with a hole in it) in a hat and stuck his face in the hat

    and "saw"--i.e. dictated the BOOK OF MORMON---well, that sounds silly, nutty and downright ridiculous, right?

    But, it is no more ridiculous sounding than invisible Jesus returning in 1914. Folks, we BELIEVED that one.

    So, why not substitue Martian?

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