OMG!! Andre from the YPA video gave our Memorial talk.. My thoughts:

by BU2B 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crazyguy
    Crazyguy LOL to funny, thier so freaking delusional to think that they can advertise that site and ones will go to it and not to other sites. Maybe they have just given up but this is an easy way to keep the rank and file busy. Print crap off of site, push crap on to your neighbors that tells them to go to this site. Cheap and easy for them and it doesn't matter that it doesnt work because they know that the other isn't working either, most newbies are born ins.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I bet this Andre guy views himself as some sort of celebrity because he was a jw movie star. Jesus would so go all Matthew chapter 23 on him if they ever met!!!

    What a bunch of cheapskates!! They should do like the Mormons and put their website on billboards rather than soil the holiest jw occasion with their info mercial. I know Americans are used to a lot of advertising and that, but wtf would people in Africa and Asia think?

  • sarahsmile

    The only bibical reason to not partake: If one does not believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God the Messiah. Why would a non believer in Jesus attend. Worse yet why send out invites!

    What does that say about Jehovahs Witness! They invite Non Christians to the Last Supper! I doubt Paul did!

    Why would JW want outsiders to attend!

    They go door to door with invitations! Invite strangers who are Christians from other churches to attend as visitors then tell them it is like thievery to partake! Nuts!

    I doubt Paul would approve.

    It is just crazy!

  • sarahsmile

    I do not recall ever going to the Memorial and hearing such an awful talk as what you described!

    It is total lack of respect for Jesus Christ sacrifice! Plugging in I hate hearing plugs! Twice sucks and you stayed!

    How nice are you to do this with your wife! You must really love her! I ranted! :-)

  • BU2B

    Sarahsmile- I do love her, but am more afraid to be all alone. I also like to avoid conflict, which is problematic when you are in my position. I also was patiently trying to help her see the lies of the WT but you can take a horse to water but you cant make them drink. She wont drink. My hope has waned and I see a future of either a lousy marriage and home life, or us splitting up. I hope I am wrong.

    We just tied into the CO visit last night. He did nothing but push learning a foreign language to help indoctrinate the immigrant community. My wife has always wanted to do that, but I never supported it, and I could tell she felt major guilt. I cant take the oppressive atmosphere of the "do more" and "guilt guilt guilt" meetings anymore.. The CO visits are even worse, and my wife takes them seriously. So sad to see.

    I have had enough and am very close to saying so.. Stay tuned for the fireworks.

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