Poetry in emotions

by Mimilly 5 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Mimilly

    There are four poems here. All were written during the 'time of the end' of my being a dub. I think the emotions speak for themselves, and I'm sure many of you will see yourselves in them, in whole or part. Ever since childhood, where I was not allowed to express myself verbally, I've turned to poetry, lyrics, drawing etc. In no other period in my life have I written more poems than with the final year as a JW.

    Mine Own Insanity (Salem Gayl Reid)

    My heart is the thorn upon a rose
    Hiding beneath the foliage and petals
    Dagger sharp from remembering all
    The times the beauty was plucked and then discarded

    My mind is a state of revolutionary war
    A holy war, wondering which belief is right
    Thoughts running for safety upon sensing the enemy
    Shrapnel being detonated between the left side and right

    My body is statuesque, a layering façade
    That keeps this war hidden so that no one can see clearly
    When a thorn is my heart nor the holy war of mind
    Nor the leaning tower of Pisa that is mine own insanity

    (wrote this when I was drunk – it’s when the only sure belief I had left was that God existed)

    One More Day (Salem Gayl Reid)

    I see a brilliant diamond shimmer and I reach to touch so gently
    Though my sight is blurred and my speech is slurred, it beckons me,
    By faith I see its beauty
    Though I dare not brazen be to think that I deserve
    One ounce of its presence, one spark of its essence
    I still reach and beg it teach me love.

    And through the horrid nights of thunderstorms so frightening
    I tremble to the point of death; oceans formed from tears I’ve wept
    Then I see the diamond shimmer
    In its hope there’s one more glimmer
    One more day.


    (this describes the elders and the congregation during the time of my shunning, interrogation etc)

    Mockery (Salem Gayl Reid)

    I am feeling too many sensations
    I’ve had an overload of raw situations
    Everyone seems to have their own explanation
    So what if I’m cynical?

    I’m walking around in the same stagnant circles
    Wishing so blatantly for heavenly miracles
    Hearing the demons, so close and so lyrical
    My life is satirical!

    Send me your well wishes done in encryption
    So they won’t mark you on their lists for subscriptions
    I think way too much; my intelligent prison
    Ah, it’s just mockery!

    Hidden agendas on subliminal menus
    People voluntarily ignoring their virtues
    Suckers for all of those parasites’ rescues
    Oh silly you! Silly me!

    Dangerous angels
    Conscientious atrocities
    The sworn inconsistencies
    Condescending apologies
    Mass acceptance of brutal hypocrisies
    Oh really, will we ever learn!

    It’s all pristine mockery!

    (written in the hospital after the betrayal by elders et al, divorce, the whole bit)

    Why Me (Salem Gayl Reid)

    I ran away from everyone because I had too many thoughts
    Now I see incoming tidal waves and I can’t run fast enough
    In horror I trip and I fall down, then water crashes all around
    Oh how did I get in this deep – there’s tons of water churning me
    It’s murky, I can’t see – please God help me, I can’t breath
    At the mercy of the undertow, I’m pulled deeper yet to depths below
    My life flashes into pieces, I fade to black, praying to Jesus
    Why, why, why me?

    Violently I’m hurled up on a beach, choking out water, in shock and gasping
    I’m ragged, skin torn, parts broken and I’m bleeding
    At least I made it to fresh air and dry ground, but
    My lips start to quiver when I see no other soul around
    Wet and cold make me shiver, will I ever be found?
    My bloodied hands cradle my head and I cry
    I’m alone, all alone, why didn’t I just die
    In anger I scream out in futility
    Why, why, why me!?!

    I lay there on the sand beneath a large star-filled sky
    I am motionless with a blank look in my swollen eyes
    Wondering why oh why did I fight to survive
    Is there a God, and if so, can he hear me now
    Is there any hope that this will work out somehow
    The pain festers all through me, the fear is gargantuan
    This has all happened because from reality I ran
    Can I ever be forgiven, will I be forgotten?
    A shattered voice within me whispers
    Why, why, ……………. why me.

    (written during the interrogation period, after a ‘cutting’ session)

    Again (Salem Gayl Reid)

    All is a hush – uncalm quiet after the storm
    Now I am silent, holding a broken heart in my hands, pieces still falling like iridescent
    Teardrops to the floor
    What good is this threadbare heart anymore?

    I weep I sleep I creep I cry out in pain
    That night I howled as only road-kill can
    Yet I find the strength to get up with each ‘end’, from somewhere…
    I find myself anchored to hope again,
    and again, and again, and again.

    Mimilly/Salem Gayl Reid

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel

    Your words are beautiful, thank you for sharing them.

    They express so much I can relate to, you're very talented.


  • flower

    Thanks for posting them again, I was going to search for them tonight.

    Wow, I dont even know what to say. These are awesome. I definately feel em.


  • Joyzabel


    How talented you are. You express your emotions very well. What suffering you have been through. All I can say is I hope its getting better for you each day.


  • thinker

    I've been collecting poems (and writting a few) and putting them on my website.
    May I add yours?

  • Gopher


    Beautiful, just beautiful. I can really relate to the "mocked" one. I am so glad to be away from the organization of mockers.

    What good is your threadbare heart? We all can tell, your heart is full of wonder and good!


    Don't let yesterday use up too much of today.--Will Rogers, 1879-1935

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