Bear my soul. Falseprophet, rarely posts. My history.

by falseprophet 13 Replies latest members private

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    falseprophet - your allegations of an unreported pedophile ring in the congregation are concerning - it seems your knowlegdge of this was the reason for you being driven out of the congregation. The unanswered questions are who were the victims and did you help them to make a report to the police? Fraz

  • Tiktaalik

    If you have evidence of child abuse, go to the police immediately.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    No other reason needed to get the hell out of the WT cult. Finding out about tolerance and cover ups of child abuse, sexual and any other kind, shocks JWs but they can't stop making excuses for the org. Ones who hear about it want to believe "some brothers are imperfect but it's still Jehovah's org."

    If one part of the org is sick the whole shebang is rotten.


  • KateWild

    Thanks for sharing Falseprophet,

    Your story is certainly familiar and you are not alone in identifying paedophiles. Like many have expressed, I hope you had enough evidence to report it to the police.

    Being df'd for exposing wrongdoing is common, I am glad to see you are grateful to the elders for leading you here. I was also led here for trying to expose wrongdoing.

    Kate xx

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