Anyone Here Used to Fear Persecution?

by kneehighmiah 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Heartofaboy
  • Phaedra

    Re: Anyone Here Used to Fear Persecution?

    Yes, for being a JW ... when the great tribulation hit... or before. Everytime they'd discuss WWII or Malawi or Rawanda I feared being murdered for my faith.

    When I was a child in the 70s, I sat at the KH as they read and discussed what was going on in Malawi, encouraging the letter writing campaign.

    Nice thoughts for an 8 year old. No wonder I have JWPSTD.


  • Heartofaboy

    I remember the Malawi letter writing campaign too Phaedra.

    The gory details of what the JW's went through all spelled out in front little kids & the question asked 'would you be able to withstand the same persecution brothers & sisters?'........ Then make sure you keep up with all the spritual food the FDS provides at the proper time..............if it's not in your memory then how will Jehovah be able to bring it back to your mind in order to strengthen you to resist & remain faithful.

  • SuperBoy

    The fact is, there are horrible things that happen in this world.

    Regime change could happen in any country at any time, and you could be on the wrong side. The UK is quite a safe haven if you are gay or lesbian. What if that changes? What if a far right government comes into power and starts persecuting people of colour?

    The question isn't should you fear persecution, but would you stand up for your beliefs - whatever they maybe.

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