Suggested comment to add when answering at the meetings

by stuckinarut2 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stuckinarut2

    Inspired by the humour in Cappytan's thread, I thought of a way those who are still forced to attend meetings can have some fun...

    Especially with the increase in articles with topics about "Listen, Obey and be Blessed", a subtle method of having fun would be to substitute the expression "the Governing Body" wherever "Jehovah" "Jesus" is said.

    Imagine an answer such as this:

    "yes, this paragraph helps us to see how vital it is to Listen and Obey the governing body"


    "yes, our strict obedience to the governing body is a way to show how much we love them"

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro
    I just can't bring myself to make a comment. I'm really worried that if I get a mic, I will go off the rails and end up in a rant!
  • cappytan

    I've gotta be at the meeting to give a comment :P

    I haven't been to more than 2 meetings since the memorial.

  • Oubliette
    Stuck: Imagine an answer such as this: "yes, this paragraph helps us to see how vital it is to Listen and Obey the governing body" or "yes, our strict obedience to the governing body is a way to show how much we love them"

    Here's what I imagine happening after you give such a comment: The first time you feel a little nervous and possibly even a slight thrill for being so bold and daring an undercover apostate hiding in plain sight. The second time you feel slightly amused. But then, when no one says anything except, "I enjoyed your comment!" you discover that you are surrounded by mind-controlled drones that have all lost the power of independent thought and your little game loses all of its excitement.

    If there is anyone in the congregation that suspects what you're up to, chances are they will be too frightened to talk to you about it (for reasons which I am sure are obvious).

    Let's review: You're in a cult!

    The only real question is this: When are you going to quit going?

  • stuckinarut2

    True is childish and a bit immature......

    Im just trying to amuse myself in this period while I still have to attend.

    But yes, more importantly, I need to set a date to be OUT!

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    "Even though we've seen that much of what was once taught by the faithful and discreet slave as the truth, has been changed, such as the now acceptable use of life saving blood fractions, this paragraph helps us to see how vital it is to Listen and Obey the governing body anyway, even if it could cost us our lives."

  • oppostate

    I'm afraid if I were going to play that game I'd throw up on the mic. I just couldn't get myself to say anything remotely sounding like support for the Gibbering Body!

  • Oubliette

    Stuck: True is childish and a bit immature......

    That's okay, I'm frequently childish and immature myself!

    Stuck: Im just trying to amuse myself in this period while I still have to attend.

    I get that, but ....

    Stuck: But yes, more importantly, I need to set a date to be OUT!

    How about June 3rd, 2015? Or better yet, how about TODAY!

  • confuzzlediam
    I had a fun group of friends before I was df'd. We would get together and come up with a random word that one of us would have to incorporate in a comment. It was fun to see how they would work that random word into the comment. We would just giggle when they raised their hand! lol

    I would do EXACTLY what you suggested! Here's the script...

    Eldub: So the question for paragraph 12 reads, " How does blahbitty blah, and such and such apply in our day?"

    Stuckinarut: I like to remind myself to obey the Governing Body so that I can be like so and so. I'm so imperfect and need constant reminders so that I can be judged a sheep when the GT comes any day now.

    What I do in my personal study every day is to write GB above the words Jehovah and Jesus wherever I see them. That way, I am reminded that obeying the GB is equal to obeying Jehovah and Jesus. That way, I can be a prospective sheep and gain the prospect of everlasting life.. after the final test when Jehovah lets satan loose...again, of course.

    Eldub: .....Alright...err... let's call on Sister Bigboobs..


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