in today's Watch Tower, Brooklyn/Patterson contradicted Jesus.- the Pattern.

by prologos 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • prologos

    In paragraph 17 the wt writer alleged that we can not know the EXACT day and hour, "--but we can and DO know the season--"-- we ARE living in that season--"but

    when Jesus was asked a simlar to the WT Theme question about the kingdom "--WHEN --"or:

    " Lord are you restoring THE KINGDOM at THIS TIME?--"

    Jesus answered:"-- It does not belong to you (future governing-body - types) to get Knowledge of the times and SEASONS [plural]--". Jesus in Acts 1:6,7.

    so with all that quibbling about generation grouped or overlapping, the fact is

    time and SEASONS including the one long gone mentioned in Romans 13:22 are taboo, in the creators domain and control.

    try to get a physisist to define time, never mind these wt writers.

    what thinketh thou?

  • snare&racket

    Those 8 window cleaners in brooklyn, have never until now claimed to have a role in defining words, that is the role of dictionaries and linguists. It is shameful.

    I specifically remember them defining generation as the complete opposite for all my life as a JW..... what changed APART from the 1914 generation dying off proving them wrong. Assuming a 1day old baby in 1914 was the generation reffered to and a witness to the events of that year (ridiculous), then all but a few are now dead.

    They literally have no limits to their unconscionable acts. THIS GENERATION WILL BY NO MEANS ....PASS AWAY. every single word in that sentence prove their new teaching simply wrong, even ignoring their redefinition of the word generation.

    The first of the three generations they claim exist, clearly have passed away, totally contradicting the verse. There is no other verse to defend their desicion, they are using human thought over their holy text.......again. The word used there is unambigous...THIS.....generation indicating that generations are seperate from one another.

    Then there is ....BY NO MEANS....PASS AWAY...which is quite specific, yet WT are teaching they have passed away but the generation reffers to other people now... that right there is WT providing a means for that generation to have done the exact opposite, to have passed away.

    Come on, it is getting ridiculous, give up !

  • prologos

    yes and the final 2 groups of the anointed WILL pass away before all these things occur, because

    all these things include Armageddon and

    according to the new wt light, The anointed Faithfull slave, GB and all, will be [earthly]dead by then.

    In the meantime, humans non-understanding of time,

    wt's particular misunderstanding of APPOINTED TIME=Season, is playing out as expected.

    In every strange story there will be some kernels of truth.

  • snare&racket

    It is all irrelevant..... there is no Armageddon coming and Watchtower by their actions don't believe it either, building new HQ's and restructuring the religion in big ways.

    I have never met a single witness that lived like they knew the world was ending, rather they were in love with the idea of it. Quite horrendous really. A countdown to mass genocide....

    snare x

  • Oubliette

    Wait a second!

    Read the context:

    Jesus cautioned that we would not—and we do not—know the exact day or hour. (Matt. 24:36; 25:13) But we can and do know “the season,” as Paul mentioned. (Read Romans 13:11.) We are living in that season, the last days.

    Now read the cited scripture:

    • And do this because you know the season, that it is already the hour for you to awake from sleep, for now our salvation is nearer than at the time when we became believers. - Romans 13:11

    Now think!

    First of all, Romans 13:11 doesn't even apply to what Jesus was talking about. But even if it did, it completely contradicts what the WT said about you can't know the hour but you can know the season. Paul used the terms synonymously.

    The WT is trying to play a shell game with words banking on the fact that most JWs won't look up the cited scripture, most that do will be confused by the obvious contradiction and conclude that it is THEM that doesn't get it, and most of those that are not fooled will be afraid to say anything because they don't want to be disfellowshipped and shunned.

    So who is left? It's us. The conscious class known as "apostates" because we call bullshit on the hokey "theology." Whether you're completely out or still in and fading, if you are reading this and see the completely contradictory nonsense that the WTBTS calls "spiritual food," then you are one of the few!

    Congratulations for having a brain and not being afraid to use it.

  • prologos

    S&R right, but tried to point out disconnect from their claimed source.

    planned genocide? I hope not, lived near one once.

    where do we go from here?

  • Crazyguy

    I'm glad they put this it to print, so we have evidence of thier lies, they usually don't have it in print just let the elders say it.

  • stuckinarut2

    A comment was made in our hall by someone that "we all used to be told to teach that the end would come in our lifetime...but now we know that was just plain wrong...but now we are told to preach that it will come within our lifetime again...say 30, 40, or 50 years at most"

    "if someone was anointed at 20 years old in 1914 and died at 80 years old in 1974 and another 20 year old was anointed in 1974, then the end will come before he dies at 80 odd...therefore it has to come before 2034"

    im not kidding... This was said and all agreed with head nodding approval!

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    Oubliette - I can't remember the exact verse , but in that Romans scripture, the contextual verses contain BOTH the day AND the hour mentioned. I was angry at the hall yesterday . Such hogwash .


    THIS GENERATION WILL BY NO MEANS PASS AWAY ......................................because "we" wont allow it to there!!!!!

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