Can it be said mankind has tried....

by punkofnice 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    ....every form of government there is?

    The watchtower® claims this is why armageddon® hasn't come yet....apparently ol' J-man is showing how awful man is at governing himself.

    What you think?

  • snowbird

    The WT claims a lot of stuff, but I grudgingly have to concur in this matter about man's inability to govern himself so far.

    Man has tried all sorts of governmental experiences, and come up short every time.


    I've come to the conclusion that something within us has to change.

    That is the Bible's view also.


  • Oubliette

    That statement always bothered me because it implies that every possible form of government that could ever be imagined has been and that they've all been tried.

    We know that's not true, because many works of fiction are about imaginary governments that have NOT been tried (usually for our best). Also, people HAVE in fact dreamed up other forms of government since the WT first made that quote. Think Hunger Games for example.

    This is just one more example of WT foolishness.



    The Canadian Government isn`t screwing up things any worse,than the WBT$..

    They`re only imperfect men..Where else would I go?!..



    ......................................................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • prologos

    of course in talks with that statements then the question is brought up, which government can give perfect healthcare, long life etc, and there wt with it's promises is on the loosing end side, because these things do get better, so the END (c) gets further away. and

    by government WT means absolute dictatorship. and

    Switzerland? referendums on everything?

  • frankiespeakin

    Yes it can be said by the GB because the Governing Body have a very limited imagination that is rather simplistic and very childish/immature, filled with black and white thinking with very little thought for the different shades of gray.

    It a sign of their getting old and in a rut with their thinking they have a 'been their done that' attitude for what is going on in the world, so they are taking no note of things happening because it is all o so boring to them because they know it all already.

    Just look at their screwy bible interpetations about an invisible king and kingdom born on 1914 earth time, which we know according to Einstien that time is relative to one's frame of reference. So these guys view the world and everything in it as full of ghostly demons helping Satan to destroy the world before jehovah steps in to save the day.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    As a political science major, I know we are capable of good government. We have good government now. There are civil rights and liberties. Government is running highway systems, managing airports, commerce, monetary systems, police, fire, and other paramilitary forces. When you compare it to the past, we are doing great. When I was born, vaccines were still being rolled out. Of course, it could be better. If I pay a small bribe, the police will even enforce prostitution laws. Our basic government functions are functioning well. The Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act.

    If you compare any state in this country with a system of governance that the WT would institute, the worst state comes to the top. There will be no rights or liberties. No Hollywood or NY entertainment. Gay people will be pushed underground. Women will die having illegal abortions. There will be no birth control. There will be no doctors, lawyers, engineers, architects, college professors, MBAs, investment bankers and finance types b/c college will be forbidden. No zoos will exist. Heck, clothing care labels will be gone b/c no one will know what natural fiber is. Highways will not be able to be used within one year. Trains and subways will stop. No preschool services. Literature will not be taught. They will be burn masterpieces of art. I remember banned books from the early 1960s. Try reading Shakespeare or Dante. All gone. No planes will be manufactured. Drugs will be in the past. Basically, consider what nuclear holocaust would do. It brings you to Witness governance.

    People complain about government because it is our right. In WTland, you will be executed if you want a pothole repaired. Our Western democracies look very good in comparison. I can become president. WTland will not let me participate in anything. The Penis Worship thing. I was just a little kid when I voted for dying at Armageddon. Civilization and its problems will disappear completely.

  • snare&racket

    anyone can read the old testament and see the manifesto of the biblical deity..,,,,it is evil.

  • Comatose

    Even if they had tried all forms of government the argument falls flat. Why? Because according to WT the devil and demons are actively involved in the political affairs of the world. Demons fight over countries resulting in wars between people, demons influence people... So, NO! Mankind has not had a fair chance to rule themsleves by the way WT says they have.

    Demons would have to leave mankind alone and remove all spirit influence then humans would need a chance to try to rule themselves. As it stands with WT theology, anyone could say after Satans abyssing that humans could do it on their own. And according to Universal Sovereignty that would then need to be answered.

  • snare&racket

    The second he said to adam and eve... "out the garden, lets see how you do!"

    He immediately made them imperfect, he made them want to sin, he made them ill and he gave them urges he says you can't have. He made it hard to feed your family and work the ground, he made it hard to have children. He made animals and the very earth hostile.

    How exactly is this a fair comparison to what the story claims is gods alternative? its like asking someone to race you, then just as they leave the starting blocks, tripping them up and stamping on their ankle to break it..... and then his fans shouting 'see god is faster! no he isnt cheating, he is god, he can di what he wants! how dare adam use his free will and say yes to racing him!"

    It is a flawed story. A combination of terrible explinations for the world around us and world history that when combined obviously dont make sense, because its b.s.!

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