MAS370 - Was it a Remote Hijacking?

by fulltimestudent 23 Replies latest social current

  • perfect1

    Village girl, the Marianna trench is really nowhere near where this plane was.

  • villagegirl

    Really ? I thought they had a stop in Guam. I am just suggesting

    that plane did alter its planned flight path, that is confirmed, and it

    was heading towards the Phillipines out out of Kuala Lumpur North West

    The New York Times reported "the waypoint was far off the path to Beijing."

    The plane was flying using a flight management computer system.

    There are several deep trenches in the area the plane was last communicated

    with, the Java Trench and one off the Phillipines. These trenches are comparible

    with the Mariana in length and depth. Deep ocean trenches are mostly unexplored.

    because they are miles deep. There is speculation that the plane went into the

    Diamantina trench, which sea floor mappers have found is as deep as

    5,800 meters (19,000 feet), though it could be deeper in places that have not been measured

    Read more: MH370 Lost in Indian Ocean: Australia hopeful as more items pulled from sea - Latest - New Straits Times

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    The only ways to change the direction of a B777 in cruise is through manual yoke inputs, turning a heading select knob or by changing waypoints on the FMS (flight management system). Also by changing ILS frequency but only in landing configuration...

    There is no way to remotely fly a B777... complete nonsense.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    CNN or the NYT confirmed that technology to fly from land remotely is in the pipe. It is not ready for use, though. I feel that the governments know more than they are releasing to protect security capabilities. A high ranking US govt. official on CNN said we were helping but would not release photographs to the public. We don't know what is going on. They might not either.

  • metatron

    I feel this was a false flag attempt that went bad.

    The military-industrial complex, the Neo Cons and the Israelis (the wonderful folks who brought you the greatest US fraud of all time: the Iraq War) realize that the world is changing. They have become desperate to start a war to finish what they started in the Middle East and finish creating police states in the US and Europe.

    President Eisenhower hit the nail on the head decades ago and we've suffered ever since - "the unwarranted influence" of these warmongers continues.


  • DJS


    Of course it's in the pipeline. We have military personnel controlling large drones from thousands of miles away. The Global Hawk and the Predator have been conducting surveillance and firing hellfire missiles for a while, and they are doing it remotely. Recently a fighter jet was test flown remotely. So of course the technology could be applied to a 777. But it isn't currently and likely won't be for a while. And when it is the controls will be so encrypted and controlled that a kid with a cell phone, or Achmed in a cave, won't be able to 'capture' it. Be realistic people.

  • fulltimestudent

    Interesting responses - some so full of certitude.

    My original post simply raised the possibility. Why? Because both the other (current) possibilities, have their difficulties.

    They are:

    1. Pilot suicide: It is now clear that the Captain, an experienced (claimed to have18,000 hours flying experience- just for VG) pilot, had personal difficulties. Were those difficulties so deepseated that they would drive him to suicide and the murder of his co-pilot, cabin crew and passengers? I think its a hard-hearted person who would plan to take so many others with him. Reports suggest that such an act would be 'out-of-character.'

    2. On board hi-jacking: There are supposed to be systems in place to prevent hi-jacking, and one assumes that in an attempted hi-jack one of the pilots would be able to activate an alarm. It is claimed that an extensive background check by international agencies have 'cleared' all the passengers and crew, from suspicion as potential hi-jackers.

    It has been speculated that a potential hi-jacker could have been smuggled onto the plane by co-operative ground crew. This potential hi-jacker would have had to have a secure hiding place and be experienced (trained) in aircraft systems. This also seems to difficult to imagine. What would've have been the reaction of the Captain and co-pilot in that eventuality? As I've posted on another thread, rather than go through a 9/11 type scenario, it's possible that the Captain could program into the auto-pilot the details covering what the plane did next (which it is said today, included a deliberate skirting of Indonesian radar). But, this imaginative scenario has many flaws.

    Even if the aircraft's blackbox is recovered, it is not thought that it will provide information that explains what happened in the cockpit in the first vital minutes of the change in course.

    But, its precisely the lack of clear detail that drives the huge international effort and the millions of dollars in costs to know what happened.

    And, it's in that context, that consideration must be given to the possibility of a remote hi-jack. If that is the explanation, it would be immediately clear that flying would be in a new danger zone.

    I have neither the background or the will to attempt to assess the possibility of a remote hi-jack. In our contemporary world any kind of information or misinformation can be immediately transmitted across a range of media. Not always with good motives. (e.g. twitter type services are being used by a major hegemon to de-stabilise regimes).

    Another example, the youtube facility is a major propaganda battlefield between competing amateur and professional conveyors of misinformation. Its a constant intellectual struggle to attempt to sort out what may be reasonably accurate and what is not. So with that caution, you just may want to watch this youtube video, which itself bears all the earmarks of the above problems, but at least contains some information that may be verifiable. (Understandably, we would not expect any state authority to discuss the possibility).

    This BBC News video of an interview with the wife of one of the missing passengers, does, I guess, sum up the way that most of us may feel.

  • NewYork44M

    I have no idea what happened, but I am certain that this event will be basis for many conspiracy theories - each more wacky than the last.

    I have not heard any alien theories yet – I am waiting for these with baited breath.

  • fulltimestudent

    this event will be basis for many conspiracy theories - each more wacky than the last.


    Now I dislike the normal conspiracy theories, but I can't resist this one (grin).

    Here's a description of the passengers (courtesy Yahoo Canada):

    Malaysia Airlines MH370 passengers include stuntman, honeymooners
    CBC CBC – 11 hours ago

    With the battery power for the black box of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane expected to run out imminently, hope is fading that it will be found – and with it, the 239 people on board Flight MH370.

    For nearly a month, the families of the passengers and crew have waited for conclusive evidence of the fate and whereabouts of the Boeing 777 airliner, which lost contact with the ground on March 8 during a routine flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

    Malaysian authorities have said they believe the plane went down somewhere in the southern Indian Ocean.

    While the majority of the people on board — 154 — were Chinese, the 227 passengers and 12 crew members came from 14 different countries: Canada, the U.S., France, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, the Netherlands, India, Ukraine, Russia, Taiwan and Indonesia.

    The passengers included a Canadian couple living in Beijing, a group of famous Chinese artists, 20 employees of a Texas semiconductor firm, a Hollywood stuntman and a pair of Malaysian honeymooners.

    Here’s a closer a look at the stories of some of the passengers on the missing plane.

    Canadian citizens Muktesh Mukherjee, 42, and, Xiaomo Bai, 37, had been vacationing together in Vietnam and were returning home to their two young sons in Beijing.

    Mukherjee comes from a prominent Indian family. His grandfather, Mohan Kumaramangalam, had been a minister in Indira Gandhi’s administration responsible for steel and mines, while his father, Malay Mukherjee, became an executive with Luxembourg-based steel manufacturer ArcelorMittal.

    After earning a post-graduate degree at McGill University, Muktesh Mukherjee followed his father to ArcelorMittal. The younger Mukherjee left ArcelorMittal and joined U.S.-based Xcoal Energy & Resources, which ships metallurgical coal around the world.

    Mukherjee and Bai met in Beijing, after she was hired to be his guide and translator. The couple has two sons: Mirav, 9, and Miles, 2.

    The family owned a condo in Montreal for a few years before moving to Chicago, where they still have a house.

    Among the passengers were 19 artists, some of whom are regarded as major figures in the Chinese art scene. They were returning from a calligraphy and painting exhibition in Malaysia.

    The group included:

    Meng Gaosheng, 63, a famed calligrapher;

    Painter Wang Linshi, 69;

    Liu Rusheng, the 76-year-old director of Nanjing Painting and Calligraphy Academy who was renowned for his portraiture as well as his paintings of birds and flowers.

    “I feel very sad. Even though I knew them for a short time, they have become my friends,” said Daniel Liau, who arranged the exhibit in Malaysia, in an interview with the Associated Press. “All of them are very famous in China.”

    The youngest passenger was 23-month-old Wang Moheng, who was one of three generations of a Chinese family on board the plane, according to the Wall Street Journal.

    Wang Rui, an executive at the Boston Consulting Group, his wife Jiao Weiwei, their young son and Jiao’s parents, Jiao Wenxue and mother Dai Shuling, were all returning from a vacation in Sabah in eastern Malaysia.

    Trained in kung fu, Ju Kun was a stuntman in Hollywood, doubling for martial arts actor Jet Li in Fearless (2006) and The Expendables (2010). Ju was on his way to visit his children in Beijing before starting work on Marco Polo, a new Netflix and Weinstein Company series being shot in Malaysia.

    Noted Hong Kong director Wong Kar-Wai and actress Zhang Ziyi paid a tearful tribute to Ju at the Asian Film Awards in Macau on March 27.

    Brett Chan, a fight choreographer on Marco Polo, told one of Malaysia’s English-language papers that Ju is an exceptional individual: “He raises the bar in every aspect – in martial arts and as a person.”

    Among the passengers were Muhammad Razahan Zamani and Norli Akmar Hamid, a young Malaysian couple who had recently been married and were going to spend their honeymoon in Beijing.

    Zamani’s cousin, Mohammad Sahril Shaari, told CNN that his cousin had never been outside of Malaysia before. He had saved for a year to make the trip happen.

    The flight manifest included 20 employees of Texas-based Freescale Semiconductor, which produces microchips for a variety of applications and customers, including the military. The employees included 12 Malaysian nationals and eight from China.

    Mitch Haws, vice-president of global communications and investor relations for Freescale Semiconductor, told Reuters this team was working to improve the efficiency of the company's chip facilities in Kuala Lumpur and Tianjin, China.

    “These were people with a lot of experience and technical background, and they were very important people,” Haws said.

    Freescale has not released the names of the employees.

    One of two New Zealanders on board, 39-year-old Paul Weeks was headed to Mongolia to begin a new job in the mining industry. He was scheduled to spend a month away from his wife, Danica, and two young sons - three-year-old Lincoln and 11-month-old Jack.

    Prior to leaving, Weeks reportedly removed his wedding ring and watch and gave them to Danica with implicit instructions, she told Australia's 9News.

    Quoting her husband, Danica Weeks said, "If something should happen to me, then the wedding ring should go to the first son that gets married and the watch to the second.”​

    Anything out of the ordinary? Not really, unless ... what about the people from Freescale Semi-conductors?

    Let's assume for the moment that they were the key. Were they working on a development that was of vital importance, but the information was going to benefit China? Did someone, somewhere, want to know more about that development ? Or, maybe even close down that line of research?

    Now let's look at who could take action? I think, beyond much doubt, that only one nation is way in advance in the technical side of this sort of information, and may also be advanced in the technology needed to take action on the plane.

    And, that nation has a huge information gathering facility in Australia at Pine Gap.

  • fulltimestudent

    But the conspiracy theorists already at work, don't stop there. (In fact, I hav'nt seen Pine Gap mentioned at all, but it does connect into all the information/communication links in S.E.Asia and sorts information. There's been a diplomatic spat between Australian and Indonesia, apparently caused by Australia's listening into telephone conversations of the Indonesian President, that must've been accessed by the Pine Gap facility.)

    The base that does attract attention though, is this one:

    The base is actually owned by the Brits, who expelled the native inhabitants, and leased it to the USA as part of G.W. Bush's grandiose plans to create American style democracies in Iraq and Afghanistan (god help the poor bastards in both countries).

    If you're interested in conspiracy theories, you can explore youtube from the above link.

    And, if I suddenly stop posting - then maybe the conspiracy theories were right (haha)

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