Are ex-jw who are angry potential . . .

by mystikool 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • mystikool

    It seems that there is much anger on this place. In my country we do not understand the manifestation of hostility manifested on a public board. If some of these people do not calm down, they might be next terrorists in news. We hope not. But we wonder whether some here are potential (the 't' word). God says, I will avenge.

    Keep kool.

  • Dutchie

    What country are you from? What you call anger, some of us just call "venting". For some of us, this is the only outlet we have to express the emotions we feel inside.

    What does "kool like dat"? mean. I thought it was some from of ghettoese. Is it?

  • RunningMan

    Most terrorists are not simply pissed off individuals, which you will find around here.

    Terrorists tend to be thoroughly indoctrinated, loyal members of high control groups who believe they are working for God. JW's are far more likely to be terrorists than we are.

  • mystikool

    :What country are you from?:

    Nice try. do you think we can reveal our location so that someone here will out us?

    :What you call anger, some of us just call "venting". For some of us, this is the only outlet we have to express the emotions we feel inside.:

    God's Bible says be angry but sin not. We are not condemning "venting." It just seems as if there is more enabling of repressed emotions going on here than true venting. how about releasing your emotions in prayer or meditation on God's bible?

    :What does "kool like dat"? mean. I thought it was some from of ghettoese. Is it?:

    I hesitate to call "kool like dat" ghettoese. Some of my friends of color might not appreciate that term. Kool like dat just describes the true nature of mystics. We be kool like dat.

  • revdrjohnson

    I suspect the REAL potential terrorists are the frustrated active JWs, who haven't figured out yet how to esacpe!

    Keep the Faith

  • mystikool

    :Terrorists tend to be thoroughly indoctrinated, loyal members of high control groups who believe they are working for God. JW's are far more likely to be terrorists than we are.:

    No loyal jw would be a terrorist. We are taught that God avenges the righteous. There is a lot of indoctrination going on here that is preverse. Most conditioning is subtle and almost unperceived. sometimes "control" does not have to be high to produce terrorists. sometimes it only takes enabling anger and indoctrination of the perverse kind.

  • RedhorseWoman

    To be perfectly honest, I would think that active JWs would be the more likely terrorists.

    The terrorists that have been plying their trade recently are those who are caught up in a religious fervor of God vs Satan, and they feel they are doing God's will by destroying those who are in opposition to God's plan.

    Now....who do we know who would, if an article revealing "new light" were to come out advocating personal involvement in the "destruction of the wicked", immediately do as the "FDS" suggested. Let me think about this. I wonder who? I wonder who?

  • ChiChiMama

    So in your country you don't feel anger or hostility?I find that hard to believe.We have reason to feel both angry and hostile.

    Are you sure that you are not from another planet instead of just a different country?

    The world is in no danger of ex-Jws turning into terrorists.


  • Dutchie

    Mys, I meant you no disrespect.

    I am sorry. I did not realize that mentioning your country would serve to "out" you. I was just curious.

  • mystikool

    :The terrorists that have been plying their trade recently are those who are caught up in a religious fervor of God vs Satan, and they feel they are doing God's will by destroying those who are in opposition to God's plan.:

    Are you saying that terrorism is strictly religious in nature? you are wrong, if you think that. Religion may play a part in today's terrorism. But social and political factors play an equal part.

    :Now....who do we know who would, if an article revealing "new light" were to come out advocating personal involvement in the "destruction of the wicked", immediately do as the "FDS" suggested. Let me think about this. I wonder who? I wonder who?:

    No loyal jw would obey this "new light" you talk about. We believe that we should obey God rather than man. Any article that came out telling jw to go detroy wicked now would go against clear bible statements about letter God handle things. Gimme a break, red.

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