Critical Differences: JW's Today Vs The Past

by metatron 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Jehovah's Witnesses have always been a fringe, anti-intellectual movement, almost by definition. There is nothing new about faddish health concerns, attitudes that ignore history and science or even beliefs that defy common sense ( false prophecy for what, 130+ years?). However, there are two differences with JW's of the past that will prove critical for the survival of the Organization today.

    1) Poor financial conditions - in the past, it was possible to hold all sorts of nonsensical beliefs and still be a functional member of the human race, generally. That however, has changed with the decline in middle class jobs and bank accounts. Good paying factory jobs in particular are gone.

    The above is a rather biased account of how dependent Walmart has become on welfare payments. I post this as evidence of a powerful change in the US towards dependence and poverty. Since most Witnesses are middle or lower class, it's going to hurt the Organization. This is a big reason why many publishers can't afford to stay overnight and attend assemblies. They're just broke.

    2) More Chronic illness - I have no general survey of Witnesses to cite here but there is good evidence that middle and lower class people are increasingly subject to chronic health concerns - such as obesity, diabetes and worse. If they can't afford health insurance, this may guarantee a life of debt and expense. Note: this is not the same as a general worsening of public health - we aren't subject to a great many infectious illnesses of the past for example but chronic dependence on prescription drugs or medical treatments is a major problem ( and expense)

    For the Governing Body, the above is a two-edged sword. Many Witnesses will likely remain ever dependent on the "Armageddon Soon" hope because they have nothing else to hope for, struggling from day to day. OTOH, it means that the WTS is accumulating ever greater numbers of weak, dependent people with empty wallets and fragile health. It also puts pressure on them as to leadership as fewer men can afford to 'reach out' in practical terms.

    I assert that these trends will haunt the Governing Body: "What are we doing? Gathering more feeble people and to what end?". It also has the effect of limiting their options because former resources of competent people or money can't be counted on.

    These trends are also worrisome to what few discerning elders remain as private conversations with many suggest ( " Is there anyone 'normal' in our congregation anymore?')


  • minimus

    I think: the poorer and sicker, the more the cult will flourish.

  • metatron

    Yes, I recognize that attraction - but flourish to what end?

    Lacking leadership? Lacking donations? Cutbacks, cutbacks, cutbacks......?

    Feeble people who must be micromanaged from HQ?

    I'm sorry to go back to My Soviet Analogy but it fits here: more and more people under "Socialism" but to what end? Poor productivity? No money? It seems to be headed in the same direction.


  • TTATTelder

    I agree wholeheartedly. The org attracts the lower rung individual that need a community.

    I have been shocked at how much money is a constant issue in our hall.

    Some poor (no money) friends go out in service all the time. They don't work so have plenty of free time, but they also only have transportation good enough to get to the hall.

    The publishers or pioneers with decent means and/or transportation are then obligated to cart these rejects around for free. (don't expect any gas money).

    There's nothing going in the contribution box from these types - you can bet on it.

    The org has painted themselves into a corner. They sacrificed people of financial means to keep an uneducated throng under their control.

    Even with that said, it's shocking to me that they are still doing all these downsizing measures after raking in a cool billion off of real estate. The financial problems must be much bigger than I realize. Either that or this current GB is paranoid about preserving their gravy train till they die.

    Intellectual honesty demands acknowledging that financial problems do not equal God's blessing.

  • LongHairGal


    Very good post!

    YES, it is true about the poor financial conditions and the general shift towards poorer and more dependent people and also with chronic illnesses which are expensive to manage (in the day of declining health coverage).

    But, the third thing you mention (gathering more feeble people and to what end) is, to me, the worst of all because this would be a drain on the ever dwindling amount of responsible (sane) working people who are still left in the JW religion!

    If I were still there, I would be targeted left and right for money or favors - and there would be no escape for anybody else still remaining in this dysfunctional religion. And anybody as you say "normal" would be pursued by desperate elders looking for "help".

    Time for more people to jump out of this sinking ship.

  • minimus

    Poor people always seem to find donations for God. Look at tv ministries as proof.

  • metatron

    TV ministries may benefit from a few wealthier benefactors. In politics, consider the Koch brothers.

    Anyhow, theorizing aside, we are still confronted with the continuing reality of cut, cut, cut in this organization. And now, DO's are laid off.


  • sir82

    As a business model, it is unsustainable. I think the only question is, does the collapse come relatively suddenly, or does it slowly fizzle out over decades?

    I tend to lean toward the decades-long fade to (further) irrelevance. I think the numbers will peak sometime this decade, and by 2050 or so will be half (or less) of what they are now.

  • gingerbread

    The obvious change in the WT mission over the past three decades is from outward looking proselytizing approach to an emphasis on inward looking control methods.

    Field service is a monthly obligation to maintain the status of being viewed as 'good association'.

    Full time Pioneering is no longer about bringing in individuals and families to the the point of baptism; but rather "how Pioneering benefits you spiritually".

    The focus of this religion has changed from 'how we can share the good news with our neighbors' to how the members need to obey and support the Organizational structure.


  • WTWizard

    More to depend on joke-hova for. If you have a decent job and the common sense to invest as much as possible in bail-in proof, hyperinflation proof assets, you will have wealth when the dollar becomes toilet paper. If not, you will need to trust joke-hova. You have the common sense to start taking vitamins (and your needs will vary, because different people have different needs) now, you prevent many a health problem later or delay it until you are already very old. You go on an exercise program when you are nearing age 40 and lose weight on that, you avoid many of the health problems even if you gain the weight back several years later. You lose weight at 35 and gain it back at 40 or so, that is instead of getting even fatter when you hit 40. You spend the money on a good battery system (batteries, chargers, and lanterns) now, you save money and have them in place when rolling blackouts hit.

    On the other hand, if you don't, you are going to be in for a rude awakening. There are many things we can do now, and if you don't prepare now, you are going to have plenty for joke-hova to [not] assist you with. Having even a modest stash of silver and gold will help when the dollar becomes toilet paper--I trust in silver before I trust joke-hova. I have plenty of LED light bulbs. We get an energy crisis (say, an embargo), and you could see rolling blackouts and mandatory cutbacks on electricity use (and driving). Use those squiggly things, and you could trash your health, ruin your eyesight, waste more electricity (yes, I saved some 55 watts switching from 26 watt squigglys to 13 watt LEDs; I still wonder where the 40+ watts went). Use the squiggly things, you also have to trust in joke-hova to [not] help prevent the damn thing from burning your house down when it reaches the end of its life. And, if you have your flashlights and batteries ready, you will find them easier to access. Have you ever tried asking joke-hova to provide light in a blackout?

    Of course, these days the washtowel is getting more against this kind of preparation. Throwing away your money into the Worldwide Damnation Fund while cutting back on your work to pious-sneer is not the best way to go. And, once you cut back on work, you are going to have a miserable time with this o'bummer care communism. Where are the good jobs where you could work part time, make a reasonable living doing so, and still pious-sneer without relying on a MLM for your income? And, if you start stashing silver, Brother Hounder is down your back warning you that it is too worldly or that you need to trust in joke-hova. Ditto the LED light bulbs--sight of one will be "a showy display of your means of life" and, after, brazen conduct if you don't remove it. Get a good flashlight and head to the store, you are guilty of "a showy display of your means of life"--even if they get a blackout and you are the only one to exit the store safely without getting caught in the riot. Next time, it is also "brazen conduct".

    I believe the washtowel is trying to guide souls into damnation.

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