I was a little nervous and a bit dazed, I think I will do better next time. He offered me the memorial invite, I told him I had JW family who would invite me and he got interested and wanted to find out more, so I told him I wasn't interested in the JW religion, he asked why and I said I find it too controlling. He thought I was talking about moral rules so started on about how Jehovah doesn't want to restrict us 'blah blah', so I pointed out that I meant they're not allowed to read certain materials which is wrong if it's as true as they are confident of.
He then went on about how Satan uses false teaching to manipulate us and so we have to be careful of what we read. I used the example of a Catholic, if he called on one this morning who refused to read his books because they don't come from a catholic source he would think he was not sufficiently challenging his beliefs, as you need to get different viewpoints to make a proper perspective.
He then started to rant about the Trinity, and said he wouldn't read a book on the Trinity because he knows it's not in the bible. I pointed out that he should have no fear about reading that book, that it would actually increase his faith if he could prove it false.
He then read me Psalm 83:18 and I was bloody freezing and couldn't work out how we ended up there so I told him I needed to go. He said he hoped to see me at the memorial, and wished me a good weekend.
I am sorry this story was not more triumphant!
He also had a child with him who kept running about in my front garden, he told the boy off, I told him not to worry about it as it gave me flashbacks to the horrors of childhood preaching.
Gosh it was weird to be on the other side! Have any of you experienced this yet?