Changes, changes everywhere, but not a drop of truth.

by sparrowdown 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sparrowdown

    For any org/corp to survive it needs to reinvent itself continually to cope with everchanging markets, public opinions and trends. This is bad news for an org that prides itself on worshipping an unchangeable God. So how does the WT reinvent itself while maintaining a"no variation of the turning of the shadow "..blah blah?. There are several ways worldly companies could do this, for instance they could.

    1. Invest in major rebranding campaign, for eg KFC (nobody likes the word fried anymore).

    2. Keep the product virtually the same, just slap "new and improved" labels on all the packaging.

    3 Keep the product the same just change packaging with "same great taste" labels.

    4. Stop bleeding money. Cut overheads to the bone.

    Or all of the above. All in an attempt to save money, revitalise image or in other words remain commercially viable.

    Any changes we see coming from WT headquarters at the moment is possibly part of a rebranding excersize.

    Same crappy product with some new "spin".

    How stupid do they think we are?

  • exWTslave

    I liked your dynamism in the phrase: Changing teachings in the worship of Jehovah who never changes (James 1:17)

  • smiddy

    And the gullible lap it up .


  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    In order to keep the interest of the masses the change must happen to keep them interested

  • sparrowdown

    Any abusive spouse knows all it takes to keep someone from walking is to make noise about change. Most abusers don't ever actually change they just talk about it. It creates false hope that things will get better, so even if the changes you hope for fail to happen, just the talk of change keeps you hanging on. They (WT) would have to know this on some level, it's pretty basic human nature. I suspect the borg is'nt just bleeding money it's bleeding members aswell. They know that there is nothing that gets JW juices flowing faster than gossip about change. How could this not be just moves and counter moves on their part to keep the masses in placated.

  • sparrowdown

    While on the subject of "change". I have thought for some time the whole CO/DO arrangement is an outdated dinosaur of an idea. A relic from the glory days of the past when bro's and sis's actually looked forward to visits from the CO and assemblies. Now both are burdensome to endure and cumbersome to facilitate and changes on that front are long overdue. No more DO? I say bout time get rid of CO's next, then empty out the branches.

  • sparrowdown

    previously on bald and the boastful.........

    The hollowmen at headquarters are busy organizing a giant "muppet shuffle" distracting everyone to the fact that they have no intention of addressing any of the real issues. Evil laughter can be heard from behind boardroom doors.

    Meanwhile back in the congregations the natives are getting restless. The air is thick with rumor, gossip and speculation (pretty normal then).

    "What does it all mean " they ask in hushed tones.

    Then the young tech geek ms yells "holy hotbed of corruption fatman the GB are starting their own television station."

    Stay tuned

  • KateWild

    As it was said on another thread "the more things change, the more they stay the same". The rebranding of WT to is a PR move, but the BOrg is still the same with it's damaging policies. Kate xx

  • wasblind

    Sparrow Down

    Love the OP

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    On spot, Sparrow Down! (I love your title for this thread)

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