When did the arrangement change from congregation servant to elders

by Deceived 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • fulltimestudent

    Paul Grundy's, JW facts notes:

    In 1971 another significant change came with the introduction of a body of elders. The Watchtower 1971 November 15 p.685 and p.691 said that the Early Christian elder bodies "likely rotated" and so enforced rotation, such that each elder would hold a responsibility such as Presiding Overseer for just one year.

    Reference: http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/elders.php

    Compound Complex comments:

    It was a very rough start, what with much fighting and recriminations as to who did and did not qualify, so I heard.

    My XJW friend recalls the same thing, in the Sydney congregation where he served (at the time), as MS servant. The Congregation Overseer refused to call the meeting of servants that the society had instructed, apparently, because he feared that the other servants in the congregation would not recommend him as an elder.

    I tried to stay out of the bunfight, thinking that if you got involved in all the organisational crap, how could you be a 'shepherd,' caring for the flock.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I also remember they used to "rotate" positions every year, so P.O for one year, TMS the next WT conductor the next, and so on. This was disastrous, as guys who were not qualified in any way for the job found themselves in it, and the whole Congregation had to suffer agonies for a year at least.

    Can you not see the hand of the Holy Spirit in this monumental cock-up ?

    That's when I quit, Phizzy.

    I was the school overseer, whose piece-of-cake responsibilty was to review AID book material after each talk (we gave no public counsel) and later became field service overseer because I was a field service-aholic. I knew that I definitely could not lead the congregation as a whole.


  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    The "elder" arrangement was instituted with the beginning of the "1973 Service Year", which actually began on 1 September, 1972.

    At least some old Congregation Servants were not happy about the prospect of power sharing. I recall in one of the congregations in Ipswich (Queensland, Australia) where the former Congregation Servant only recommended himself:

    - then went on year in, year out without ever recommending anybody else.

    He got away with that for nearly four years.


  • bigmac


    the cong my dad was in had a civil war--between 2 factions dominated by 2 matriarchs.--as a result--several servants were d/f'd--leaving only my dad deemed fit for porpose--but he wasnt keen on running the shambles. so a cong servant from a neighbouring shower was parachuted in to take over.

    spirit directed.


  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    2 factions dominated by 2 matriarchs

    Somehow, that comes as no surprise (not sure how, of course - maybe somthing to do with kings and king makers!)


  • Deceived

    @Compund Complex, You said:

    quote - I also remember they used to "rotate" positions every year, so P.O for one year, TMS the next WT conductor the next, and so on. This was disastrous, as guys who were not qualified in any way for the job found themselves in it, and the whole Congregation had to suffer agonies for a year at least.

    Did the rotating positions every year begin before 1972? Maybe that was the problem if so. As most Brothers in our congregation at that time were all new in the "truth" and not qualified.

  • blondie

    Rotating started with the setup of the "new" elder arrangement in 1971/1972 and disappeared quickly when all the problems crept up in lack of qualifications to be a) congregation overseer or secretary, administrative; b) WT conductor or school overseer, teaching c) field overseer, actually set an example

    About this time they started rotating COs every 3 years...too close to certain elders (wealthy?) and could not be objective

    Also there was a time that the CO was viewed as "just" another elder..........that ended quickly

  • Deceived

    Thanks Blondie and everyone, I was still disfellowhipped at that time (from 1967 to 1977) so wasn't aware when it all transpired. I guess there was some other problem my Dad had because I know he was discouraged and frustrated with the politics going on (1964) in the organization.

    I so wish I could talk to him now but even though he was disassociated and I was disassociated we didn't discuss JW stuff while he was alive because of my Mom who was still a devoted diehard Witness.

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