BOE: Kaboom to DOs

by pixel 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pixel

    TO ALL CONGREGATIONS Re: District overseers

    Dear Brothers:

    March 20, 2014

    We are pleased to inform you of a significant decision made by the Governing Body that will affect the work of traveling overseers worldwide. Effective September 1, 2014, the organizational role of district overseer will be discontinued. The responsibilities previously cared for by district overseers will be simplified. Some aspects of their work will now be cared for by experienced circuit overseers and Bethel representatives.

    This simplification will mean that many of those who are now serving as district overseers will be able to use their spiritual qualifications and rich theocratic experience in serving once again as circuit overseers. We very much appreciate the role that district overseers have filled in training others and in strengthening the organization over the years, and we know that these spiritual men will continue to be used by Jehovah in a mighty way in their new assignments.—Isa. 60:17.

    Please accept an expression of our warm Christian love. [No, I don't accept your conditional "christian love"] -Pixel.

    PS to coordinator of the body of elders:

    Please arrange for this letter to be read to the congregation at the first Service Meeting after its receipt or after the next Watchtower Study, whichever comes first. Thereafter, it should be posted on the information board. If the circuit overseer is visiting your congregation, he will read this letter at the conclusion of the next congregation meeting. At circuit assemblies and special assembly days, the letter will be read by the last speaker on the program at the conclusion of his talk.

  • snowbird

    Good riddance!

    Governing Body next!


  • snowbird

    Good riddance!

    Governing Body next!


  • Splash

    This will help fill the gap left by forcibly retiring all the 70 year old brothers who do circuit work.



    Splash, right on!! A Corporate move, pure and simple. Once the dust settles the non-essential D.O's [ Now C.O's] will be "re-assigned" to congregations where the need is great. Here they will be used mightily by Jehovah to mooch of off the R&F who will care for their material needs.


  • 88JM

    Totally agree - this is to fill the lack of CO's. In the few areas where there are enough CO's to go around, DO's will be moved to CO's and CO's will be re-assigned as elders to "stuggling" congregations.

  • Londo111


  • respectful_observer

    Agreed that it sounds like an attempt to fill a need for COs, especially once the 70+ COs are forced into retirement soon.

    Many DOs seem to have HUGE egos, so it'll be interesting to see how they handle this demotion.


  • BluePill2

    Less apartments, less cars and less "maintenance costs". Cost saving measure = simplification Made by Jehovah©

    Now, kids go and watch the Video again about "serving in Jehobers organization". Best career move of your Life, I swear.


  • dozy

    Just seems another control measure to me. More central control from the branch.

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