What Ailed Those Pilots ... ?

by snowbird 55 Replies latest social current

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    My law school roommate, Mary Schiavo, has been doing commentary for CNN almost round the clock. Mary became interested in aviation in high school. She was a pilot. Came close to dying. She was a U.S. Attorney and the Inspector General for the DOT. Mary represented the victims on the 9.11 planes. She is blonde with bangs.

    I had to call her anyway. After she is back home a while, I plan to call her. Maybe I will hear something. She is very impressive and more than holds her own against the techie men. She was all over TV after the Value Jet crash.

  • snowbird

    I like Ms. Schiavo.

    She knows her stuff.


  • snowbird

    Seems they deliberately flew beneath the radar ...


  • snowbird

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  • prologos

    under the radar, skirting the thai/malasia border, around Indonesia, it looks like a military-stile operation like 9/11. disrupted.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I don't know what happened. CNN's coverage is obsessive. As long as the plane is no more, I believe the Ukraine is far more important story. A lot of important stuff is happening around the globe and in this country. Mary should win an award for being able to talk for such long periods. Also, Piers Morgan departure is good news for me. Altho I agreed with him about guns, he doesn't need to lecture Americans about an American problem. They have no programming.

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