2014 District Convention Key Talks

by EndofMysteries 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EndofMysteries

    Just listing all of the key talks from Friday thru Sunday, the program is up on jw org too.


    "10:20 Symposium: Appreciating the Thrones of Divine Rulership"

    "The Thrones of the 144,000" ((aka the rulership of the governing body))

    "11:20 A century of kingdom rule contrasted with a century of Satan's Rule" ((damage control and spin doctoring of 100 years of false GB prophecy))

    "2:00 Symposium: What Must Be Kept in SECOND Place?"


    "Eating and Drinking"

    "Concerns about Health"

    "Courtship and Weddings"

    "Family Ties"

    "Material Pursuits"

    ((AKA making sure you and your family are financially secure and responsible, your health, your family, looking to start your own family, having an enjoyable wedding, having any sort of fun and recreation, eating food, everything and all joys in life should come after spending all your health, financial, emotional, etc resources on worshipping the governing body))

    3:10 Drama : "Do Not Give the Devil an Opportunity" ((aka don't research, think for yourself, or pursue act natural and logical by pursuing any of those 2nd place things))

    4:00 "Sacred Secrets of the Kingdom Progressively Revealed" ((damage control for GB false prophecies and teachings))

    4:20 "Teach your children to Love God's Kingdom!" (aka teach your children to worship the governing body and to put the governing body as more important then yourselves as well)


    9:40 Symposium: Who will NOT inherit God's Kingdom? (aka a recap of Friday's symposium What must be kept in Second place?)

    10:20 Symposium: Who WILL inherit God's Kingdom?

    Those who are poor (aka those who don't plan for retirement, don't get higher education, who give all their money to the GB so they can travel 1st class and enjoy life as the R@F do all the work)

    Those who become as young children (aka those who reject education, who don't think critically, and accept without question all utterances from the GB)

    Those who help Christ's Brothers (those who obey the GB)

    1:50 Symposium: Pursue Goals That Help You Seek First The Kingdom (aka Listen, Obey, and be Blessed)

    3:00 Enter the Kingdom Maimed, Lame, or One-Eyed (aka damage control for end not coming and living in poverty and unable to take care of health needs, and encouragement to reject taking care of health needs and finances to further worship the GB first)

    3:20 As Kingdom Subjects, Remain, "No Part of This World". (aka no higher education, finanical planning, or anything a 'human' does, family, etc)

    4:15 Jehovah's Organization - 100 years of Seeking First God's Established Kingdom (aka 100 years damage control for end not here yet)


    9:40 Symposium: Anticipate Future Kingdom Blessings!

    Perfect Health (((I like how they teach to not worry about your health and to neglect it,so that you will get bad health, and then you can anticipate having good health 'just around the corner'. It's like putting yourself in the great tribulation to look forward to their fix.)))

    11:20 Public Discourse: Earth's New Ruler - Who Really Qualifies? (aka the GB alone qualify)

    2:10 Drama: "Not One Word has Failed" (aka the GB false prophecies and doctrine changes are not failings but new light)

    2:50 Never be Anxious - keep seeking first the kingdom. (Aka recap of "What must be kept in second place", concluded with recap of "pursue Goals that can help you to seek first the kingdom")

  • What is Truth?
    What is Truth?

    Thank you (EndOfMysteries) your comment {9:40 Symposium: Anticipate Future Kingdom Blessings!

    Perfect Health (((I like how they teach to not worry about your health and to neglect it,so that you will get bad health, and then you can anticipate having good health 'just around the corner'. It's like putting yourself in the great tribulation to look forward to their fix.)))}

    I finally realize the reason for my grandma’s attitude about trying anything other than conventional “sick care” provided by doctors practicing medicine. She always responds with "I just hope the new system comes soon, I trust Jehovah will fix me." Im'm getting sick of hearing peoples hopes, why don't they get out and do something about it?! Of course doing anything that might actually make her well goes against the self-destructive programming she has endured for decades. Now just how to counteract that?

    Much appreciated, peace


  • EndofMysteries

    To counteract that, maybe start to bring up those things.

    People are poor and the world is so bad, no jobs, can barely pay the bills, is that a result of the worlds condition or the fact they say not to prepare for retirement, not to get higher education, to work as little as possible and do as much service as possible, etc???

    Like you just brought out, are health issues due to the whole world or due to them teaching complete neglect, don't use doctors, being into fitness and excercising is bad, etc?

    Is the love cooling off among family and friends and the congregation due to everybody just becoming bad or due to them teaching it's bad for family traditions/holidays, bad to get together, bad to have recreation, service comes before family, should spend time in service instead of enjoying time with family and friends.

    Bring up how what they teach bring about these bad conditions and to keep worshipping the GB and following them for their next life to have them all gone.



    "10:20 Symposium: Appreciating the Thrones of Divine Rulership"

    "The Thrones of the 144,000" ((aka the rulership of the governing body))

    I have never heard a title like this before! Let me guess how it will go....

    1) Jehovah, blah blah.. ( 5 min)

    2) Jesus, blahbitty, blah.. ( 5 min )

    3) [ really #1] GB, blabbity blab, blah, blah, whoopity friggin' doo.( the rest of the time)

    The mythical anointed non-GB domestics get zero mention, and why should they??


  • WTWizard

    The whole thing is nothing more than a damnation working. Go there, have your soul damned. Worse than in previous years when it was just a waste of your time and you hear about those with 15 children quitting their jobs to pious-sneer, dangers of apostates, and that fornication is horrible-terrible. And, if you go all three days, you get maximum damnation.

    Life without Satan? They have the nerve to call THAT a blessing?!?!? I know, from first-hand experience in failing to connect with Satan from the opening moments of my life, life without Satan is no blessing. Thorazine? Having spiritual enemies forced on me? Being rejected by the opposite sex, to the point of being drawn to cults on 4 separate occasions with the last one successful, a blessing? Worrying that, without Satan, when Saturn enters Sagittarius on December 23, 2014, I am open to having the jokehovians use legal rubbish to get me back on the grounds of breach of the contract I supposedly "signed" with my baptism? A blessing? And, had the dingbat that dragged me into the cancer acted just 2 months prior, I would have been required to move to where it was then managing--under "theocraptic progress"--and then dragged with it wherever it moved onto. Then, I would never have had the chance to escape the religion since that thing would have controlled finances and expenditures (no silver, no LED light bulbs, no flashlights or battery chargers, no computer, no nothing). As they create dependence by cutting off outside support, escape would have been nigh impossible--and I would be listening to that smut.

    If you can at all possibly miss it, I advocate not going. True, a few will have to go to appease families--record the program, get notes and post them, and do whatever to post things to give away their secrets. But, most do not need to attend this damnation working. Just looking at the program, I can figure out what they are pushing. The ones that can miss this program (or that are advancing in the cancer and are thinking of attending) should miss it. You are new, and have plans to attend? For the sake of your soul, cancel these plans at once. You can find something else to fill the time. Bonus: You will not have those pesky attendants to obey or push you around. And your soul will thank you in the next lifetime.

  • EndofMysteries

    If I had to go because of family, here is the strategy I would take......

    Get VERY sick (fake) and pretend you must sleep at the hotel. When they leave, take a shuttle or rental car (free pickup service) and tour the city/surrounding area for those 3 days and enjoy yourself.

    If you happen to be in Detroit, well sorry.

  • sir82

    Maybe it's just me, but discouraging your members from getting medical care seems to be rather self-defeating, doesn't it?

    "Well Brother Tumor, it's too bad you have pancreatic cancer. But just think - if you skipped the radiation treatments, you could auxiliary pioneer one last time! Think how happy that would make Jehovah! And you'd probably even get resurrected!"

  • WTWizard

    You might go if you have to for family reasons, if you are going primarily to record part or all the program to be posted on YouTube or here or to take notes to be posted here, or you are legally bound for whatever reason and cannot get out of going for this reason. If you are going to post part or all the program, you would be contributing something of value to deter others from joining the religion and might escape the worst.

    However, anyone that goes into this smut and abides by it, even if they are half asleep (their subconscious is still taking it in), you are going to be damned.


    I feel like I must go, at least to observe and record the insanity for the rest of humanity! Totally insanity!!


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