You gotta be kidding!

by RR 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • amac

    Have you all read the series of articles? It sounds like you are criticizing just snippets of the article as to opposed to all the information that is included.

    I for one am glad this information is up there. I hope a lot of people read it.

  • Gopher

    I too, hope a lot of people read it -- and then compare what the '93 Awake article says with the harm that's being done to young ones in the JW religion because their articles don't match up with their policies regarding child molestation.

    Article #2 on the website says "silence from the victim is what the molestor wants". And it's also what the congregation of JW's want if your concerns are unwanted or unbelieved! If you or the child are unable to convince the elders something wrong happened, even if it happened serially (one at a time) to multiple children, you are told to be SILENT -- or you will be subject to charges of slander.

    Thus, the SILENT LAMBS website, and the effort to free children of the need to be silent against their perverted attackers.

    My guess however, is that not many JW's will read their website, since they are by and large discouraged from searching for information on the internet anyhow. So amac, I guess your wish that "a lot of people read this information" may not come true.

  • Mimilly

    Gee - calling out to Jehovah didn't work for me. Hmmm.

    The story definitely sounds like an urban myth. Telling kids to use such crap as a way of dealing with abuse, is:

    A. dangerous. And after being abused anyway, they'll wonder why God didn't step in and stop it. They'll think they deserved it.
    B. most abusers are not strangers (as another poster mentioned) So the victims will be on the lookout for strangers, instead of monsters with the faces of family and family friends.

    Ever notice how the WT mags NEVER talk about safe touch, or to run to the authorities when someone purposely gives you that creepy feeling? They say 'turn to Jehovah - tell your parents- pray' They don't give JW kids any ideas of what to do if the abuse is coming FROM their parents.

    I have to vomit after considering how the WTS 'protects' children.

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