THE TWO BABYLONS as a template for Watch Tower dishonesty in history

by Terry 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TheOldHippie

    It was sold by WTB&TS, could be obtained in like manners as Byington's "The Bible in Living English", but they did not buy the printing plates or printing rights or anything, it said on the title page it was issued by some prinitng agency whose name slipped my mind just now - Loisseaux Brothers or something like that. So nice comment, EdenOne - it is rather difficult to promote your works after your own death. Much anger here.

  • EdenOne

    It's a different thing to say that C.T. Russell and Rutherford and F.W.Franz BORROWED ideas and concepts from "The Two Babylons" and helped to promote the book as secular "scholar" support for their ideas. That I can agree with, and I think it's quite obvious that happened that way.

    Naturally, the WTS never admits that the "new light" is borrowed straight from a secular author; it's always "spirit-directed" enlightenment; "further research", they say - as if there was any form of established in-house scholarly expertise in these areas in Bethel.


  • Terry

    So was Hislop aware of the existence of the WTS? And did he actually used it as a channel for his ideas? Would you happen to know if there's any evidence for that statement, and if yes, where can we find it?

    Thanks for recognizing my awkward way of phrasing that, Syme!

    I should have constructed my sentence with greater care. It should have read this way:

    Alexander Hislop published a pamphlet, (later enlarged into a book) THE TWO BABYLONS. Promoted thru the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, his style of faux scholarship was adopted by JW writers for decades to come.

  • AuntBee

    VERY interesting research, Terry! Saving, to go over again later.

  • Vidiot

    Terry - "Alexander Hislop published a pamphlet, (later enlarged into a book) THE TWO BABYLONS. Promoted thru the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, his style of faux scholarship was adopted by JW writers for decades to come."

    I find that funny, as I've heard that Herbert Armstrong would occasionally crib fom the WTS only a few decades later...

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