I am at a gay bar!!!

by DATA-DOG 26 Replies latest jw friends


    So fun!!! Full report later....


  • dazed but not confused

    We're waiting with bated breath for the details!!

  • joe134cd

    Don't drop the soap.

  • watson

    Reminds me of the feller that went into a gay bar a tight end and came out a wide receiever.


    LOL!! Nothing scary happened. Gotta sleep. details later....


  • stillin

    You said once that you are too obtuse to notice that a woman is hitting on you. NOW I get it!


    LOL!! @ Stillin!

    Well here is the story. I just wanted to get out of the house, but I have no friends. So I thought, "Where can I go where people will be having fun and there is an exciting atmosphere?" So one thing led to another and I wound up at a Gay Bar! Of course there were many different types of people there, which is really why I went. I just wanted to be around people and see new faces and have a couple of drinks. Nothing crazy happened, but I am sure I would be df'd for going in there.

    I get to this place and order a drink. I am waiting to be raped at any moment by sodomites. I was there 30 minutes and no one bothered me at all. Hmmm. So they are putting on a play in this adjacent theater that sat about 50 or so. It was a big deal apparently because they lost the theater for a while and then started it back up or something. Whatever.. I ask some "lady" what I needed to do to see the show. I ended up getting the last ticket. The show was great. It was called 'Golden Girls gone wild.' They were all really good and there were lots of laughs. The show was 2hrs long so it was 10pm when it was over. Then I thought, "Now What?? I am already here..."

    As it turns out, there is a dance floor and bar on the upper level. So I went upstairs and got a drink and just minded my own business and found a seat. It's only 10pm [which is late for me] and not much is going on. 30 minutes pass and the place is straight up Kray!!! The one night that I happen to go there, they have a play, and the "Mr. Leather" contest. So, what's a Data-Dog to do?? I just chatted people up. had some drinks and hit the dance floor. Everyone was having a good time, nothing too weird was going on. There were a couple of dudes that wanted to dance with me. It was such a mixed group that it was really no big deal. Everyone was dancing with everyone. They tried to recruit me for the leather contest, but I told them that I left all my leather at home..

    What else? More dancing. They had dancers up on platforms and they were earning 1$ and 5$ and having a gay ol' time. LOL!! Pun intended! MORE DANCING and then I just sat down and watched the crowd. It was fun just to be there listening to the DJ and seeing people have fun. The only creepy thing was one old dude who REALLY, REALLY liked me. He looked like a hillbilly and he had his shirt off and was drinking lite beer. He also wore a crumpled up cammo baseball hat. He looked a lot like this guy..

    I am a little on the metro side, but come on... If I was gonna be gay it would not be with this guy..

    So dancing, dancing, dancing, vodka tonic, dancing, dancing, dancing, can I have your number, dancing, dancing, NO. More dancing. Not with the weird guy. Some really nice girls from college who called me "Dr Mcsteamy" all night. I am not sure what they meant, but if the wanted to believe I was a Dr. and "steamy", well...so be it. So we shut they place down at 3am. Now what?? I am starving!!

    I go to the 24 hour Diner next door and grab a seat at the counter. I talk to a very nice 25-ish young man for a while. He says his hubby works at Starbuck and we chat. He asks if I am gay. I said, " No, I was just bored and wanted to go somewhere fun." So we chat some more and he has to leave.

    Next a group of 20 something girls come in and are looking for seats. It's an hour wait by this time. So I flag them down and they sit by me at the counter. I had a lovely time talking to a beautiful Jewish girl. We joked and laughed. I told her all about my kid. She told all about her father who is battling cancer, but doing really well so far. We talked about Elijah the prophet and made jokes about riding tornados with Thor and the guy across the way who looked like Gungan Style. She was really sweet. She works with adults with disabilities and was thinking of nursing school. So we talked about life and aging parents, ect. Since she was so nice and funny, I had the waitress put their food on my bill. When they found out they were really thankful and happy. I told them that it was my pleasure. I just wanted them to have fun and be safe, and that they could save that money for something else, like school. I got a big hug and we said our goodbyes. Then I cam home and went to bed at 5:30 am.

    All in all, it was a fun time. Just seeing the all the people having fun was nice. Such a welcome change from the puritanical boredom of JW life. People were just ALIVE! I felt great and had a wonderful time, except for creepy hillby grabbing my ass every chance he got. Really I can't blame him, it is very shapely, but I digress. So I had fun. I didn't go all berzerk and fornicate all over the place. All the "worldy" people were really nice, even Farmer Mc Handseypants was nice. He was just a hugger I guess.. LOL!!

    Being around all the gay community was a real eye-opener for me. These people were..PEOPLE. They laughed, they cried, they loved each other. One couple was celebrating 22 years together and they were happy! They were just people who were who they were. How else can you describe it? I feel sorry for people who are such haters. They are really missing out on life. The whole experience really made me realize the ridiculousness of GOD just arbitrarily wiping out everyone except for JWs. Is GOD really going to destroy the sweet little Jewish girl who treasures the menorah that her cancer stricken father gave her to remember him when he is gone? I think not.

    I just couldn't help thinking of the small-mindedness of JWs. It's sad really. You can associate with all kind of people and it doesn't mean that they are going to corrupt you. I'm not gay now. I am not a drunk. I didn't hit on a younger woman. I just went out and saw a slice of life. Would I go again, maybe. I doubt that I will ever get the chance, but I had fun. Now I can skip the meeting and get some rest!


  • Viviane

    I know. Gay people are normal people just like everyone else. Shocking. And disgraceful. How dare they try to pretend to be normal like the rest of us.

  • KateWild

    I am glad you had fun. Dr Mc Steamy is in Grey's Anatomy. It's an American Doctors show, he is the dream guy that all the students fancy. You may resemble him in some way. What do you think? Kate xx

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