Elder friend is reading 1984 from George Orwell - How to make him relate?

by alonein321 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • alonein321

    Hey everyone. I have and elder friend, he is 33, and he likes to test his faith by reading some science books. He didn't wake up yet, but he is reading 1984 from George Orwell now. I've read this book twice when I was 15 and in the peak of my jw faith and couldn't relate it to the WT. Today (I'm 24) I start laughing whenever I remember the similarities between the book and the WT. Here is the thing: is there anything that I can say to this friend that would help him relate and wake up without making him suspicious of my intentions?

  • respectful_observer

    Have you already told him you've read it? If you said...

    "Yeah, I've started reading it a couple of times, but it made me really uncomfortable."

    "Really, why?"

    "I'm probably reading too much into it (give you an "out"), it kept reminding me of some of the efforts the Society goes through to ensure we limit our exposure to concepts that goes against the Society's current teachings."

    ...or something to that effect.

  • Splash

    Just say "I once heard someone say that this book sounds a lot like the WT organisation. Tell me if you see any similarities when you read it."


  • Island Man
    Island Man

    "is there anything that I can say to this friend that would help him relate and wake up without making him suspicious of my intentions?"

    Maybe you can use JW lingo when discussing parts of the book. For example, take the situation of thought crimes mentioned in the book. You can discuss that by using the term "independent thinking". You can also use the term "apostate" to refer to those who are made "unperson". Just use JW lingo when discussing aspects in the book that mirror JW culture. That would get his mind to make the connection. If he asks you why you're doing that you can just tell him that you're only using JW lingo illustratively or metaphorically.

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    There are some catchwords in there to describe the thought stopping and reverse meaning aspects of following Big Brother, which you might want to bring up with him and ask whether it reminds him of anything.

  • TD
  • ABibleStudent

    Hi alonein321, If you understand Steve Hassan's BITE Model, then ask your friend simply questions about the BITE control tactics in 1984 to help him recognize how simple it is to create "undue influence" over other people. DO NOT draw any parrallels to how the WTBTS victimize JWs, but do ask him how he would feel about being manipulated like in 1984.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Vidiot

    respectful_observer - "'I'm probably reading too much into it (give you an 'out'), it kept reminding me of some of the efforts the Society goes through to ensure we limit our exposure to concepts that goes against the Society's current teachings.'"

    Too obvious. This might be better:

    "The whole scenario feels weirdly familiar to me an a way I can't quite put my finger on..."

  • jgnat

    Maybe ask him to count the number of times he sees the word "evidently" in his next study article?

  • steve2

    He reads books to test his faith? He's either very brave or incredibly self-deluded.

    Perhaps give him a dictionary so he can understand all those big words that he will not find in the Watchtower. Warn him there are no pictures and no simplified version. Hand him a box of tissues in the event he needs to mop his fevered brow should the message begin to sink in during reading.

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