Seeds of Doubt.

by donny 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Crazyguy

    Well they may have had two different titles but history show they stuck with the "will never die", one.

  • Vidiot

    Thinking back, there were so many little things here and there that I can't really remember if any one thing was the deal-breaker.

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Seeing shunning in action....and the cogs began to turn for me

  • flipper

    When I saw injustices being committed by elders with no accountability for their actions or hurt they caused - that was a biggie that showed me the alleged " holy spirit " was non-existent. And also the non-fulfillment of Bible prophecies, like the " last days of the system " or " Armageddon " being an unreality or a fantasy- a false teaching. Combination of some of that stuff

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    Mine started before I started an official study and it was the disfellowshipping rules. I allowed myself to be loved bombed because I was 1600 miles away from my family and friends and had a little son and divorced.

    I had many things come to mind throughout the 30 years I was in and I didn't listen to myself. Instead my mind and body broke down because of it and I finally got so sick and didn't attend meetings for a month which helped me see the real truth about it.

  • d

    At the age of 17 I started having doubts in regards in amount of control.I found them to be too controlling.

  • villagegirl

    Treatment of disfellowshipped people. I remember a very young girl weeping

    in the Kingdom Hall bathroom, she and her little girl were neing shunned.

    It was very disturbing and I found no justification for her public humiliation,

    and the cold thoughtless "brothers and sisters" who turned ther back on her.

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