You know you have been out long when............

by donny 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • donny

    You know you have been out of the organization for some time when no members of the present governing body were "ruling" during your sojurn. I have tried to keep up with who is a member and learn a bit about each one.

    Of the current crop, I find Anthony Morris III to be the most grating and irritating to listen to. Who do you find the most annoying?

  • quellycatface

    They all look like fat cat bosses. Not a God fearing man among them.

  • donny

    So who is the longest serving on the current body?


    Longest serving??? Mmmm. I don't know, but I do remember being a kid and listening to Bro. Herd talk about oral and anal sex. As a small white child, it had a profound effect. I had to know all about it. Thanks, Jehovah!


  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    Most irritating to listen to = Stevie Lett.


  • Phizzy

    I think they have made a serious P.R error in trying to humanise themselves by splashing their photos all over the shop, or is that Photo-shopping and then splashing ?

    Anyway, when noi one knew what they looked like, there was a certain mystique.

    Not any more, it is like when Dorothy saw behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz, we can see they are just men, and men of not particlarly impressive appearance.

    It's a good job that Little J chose their predecessors in 1919, if he was choosing today, would he choose that motley crew ?

    Letts looks like a looney, Morris looks as though not all marbels are present, and Splane looks like a ..... sorry I cannot writ that, but just look at 'em !

  • Vidiot

    Phizzy - "I think they have made a serious PR error in trying to humanise themselves by splashing their photos all over the shop..."

    PR error?

    From our POV, sure (and probably for them in the long run, too), but not neccessarily for JW loyalists; if I had to guess, I suspect some rather like the development.

    Don't make the mistake of thinking their trying to "humanize" themselves, though; plastering your name and face all over your product to a captive audience is nothing of the sort.

    This is about letting the R&F know who's in charge.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I've seen GB here and assumed it has always been that way. When I left, Knorr was president. The Witnesses really do morph. So how long have the GB been rock stars?

  • jookbeard

    No. the worst thing is when a GB member is younger than you !

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    I think Gerrit Lösch is the longest serving among the present GB, but I'm sure.

    When I left Fred franz was president. And yes, Sanderson is some years younger than me! :-)

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