Why JW assemblies NEED to change

by kneehighmiah 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    Something I've learned recently from my reading on boredom, is that boredom is one step away from anger.

    Ever seen a dog yawn? Often this is a response to inexpressible stress, frustration. Your dog is too polite to bite your head off, even if he feels like it sometimes.

  • Pistoff

    "Why aren't we doing this at assemblies?"

    Because the WT has no real leaders, only company men who rose to the top by being company men, yes men, boot lickers.

    The WT leadership team has only managers and lawyers, bean counters, mid level wonks who outlasted their rivals.

    For the current bunch at the top, they also realized sometime in their 40's or 50's they needed to be 'anointed' to advance, and so started partaking.

    Not a visionary in the lot of them, not one great speaker, not one person who inspires to follow.


    In the eternal "theocratic" warfare campign of the WTBTS, the troops must be occupied eternally with busy work, lest they become disheartened and go AWOL. Polishing toilets, digging ditches, endless running of laps, combat drills, field service, meetings, conventions, family worship night, the litany of regulations, they are all the same. They keep the rank and file occupied and pliable, ready for the batltle that is just around the corner. Meanwhile the Generals live in luxury, and endlessly play war. Sadly, there is no enemy except those within the camp.

    Conventions that focused on Christ, faith, character, personal life goals and the good in the world, would spell the end of the WTBTS. That is precisely why those things are sidelined in favor of fear and guilt. The WTBTS loves the Mosaic Law because in their heart of hearts they perfer slavery. JWs are a slave race, and they love being under law.

    The GB cannot afford to have the R&F look over the walls of their "spiritual paradise" and see a beautiful world where the enemy forces are reported to be. The truth would spell the end of the GB's rockstar lifestyle. Without deliberate misinformation, deception, lies and revisionist history, the tower would have crumbled long ago.

    As Terry said in a recent post, the WTBTS is built upon the foundation of willful ignorance. When Rutherford staged his take over, all individuals who had the character to stand up against him were dismissed. Those left were a fearful lot who felt safe under Rutherford's dictatorship. They have been attracting the same type of individuals ever since then. There would be no JWs if it were not for the WTBTS's propaganda and misinformation. Giving an individual limited information that allows them to only make one decision, the WTBTS's, is the same as lying. The WTBTS cannot exist without ignorance, fear, guilt and lies.


  • done4good

    I have said this recently on another thread, (concerning shunning), and I will say it again here.

    The WT is a social meme, or organism that has evolved precisely because of very specific attributes that work together and interact with each other, and the environment that they exist in. If any one of these critical attrbutes is removed or changed, the interaction of those parts change. This would likely break the "working" formula the WT has used for the last 135 or so years, and as a result, it would implode in relatively short order. The structure of assemblies is another one of these many required attributes, and will not change.

    What often appears to be the biggest problems for the WT, (such as mind numbing talks, guilt trips, judgmentalism, shunning, etc.), are the very things that have kept it running all of those years. The key difference, is the environment, or society at large, has changed. This presents the biggest threat to the organization in the long run, and will cause its eventual collapse. The best and brightest are the ones filing out, as these ones are a subset of society at large.


  • steve2

    From the Watchtower's perspective, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. There is scant evidence Witnesses stay away from conventions for the kinds of reasons you list. I'd guess that if there were a significant drop off in attendances, the GB might think about spicing things up a bit. But even then, they'd be true to form and hound delegstes even more.

  • zimunzucz

    I know what drives JWs= bring back the free hoagies, burritos and shasta soda pop and the JWs will be clapping for joy at the assembly.

  • frankiespeakin

    It is hard for the delusional Governing Body to put together a "real" encouraging program when they are so into themselves and their power over their indoctrinated members.

    There is only so much perfume can do to cover up the smell of bullshit, and that is what their assemblies are all about bullshit with a dash of perfume for encouragement.

  • frankiespeakin

    I really think many JW around the world are starting to strongly dislike this new batch of Governing Body/company men pricks who have now proclaimed themselves the "Faithful and Discreet Slave of God " to be listened to, and obeyed unthinkingly, and with out questioning, or else be disfellowshipped for insubordination.

    Their extreme hard line view of their authority is bringing into question their claim of being a follower of Christ and making them exactly like their arch enemy the Catholic Church durring the Dark ages.

  • steve2

    The proof of the pudding is in the eating. If JWs don't like the newly 'branded' GB it will show in levels of commitment such as (reporting) witnessing and meeting attendances. Remember, in high control groups, moaning and groaning does not always translate into consistent actions (say of withdrawal and reduced commitment). For Witnesses, the groaning is a form of 'release' of pent-up emotions and, form their perspective, that may be enough to keep haninging on in there.

  • designs

    Even the Pope wised up...

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