They don't know what to do....

by pbrow 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • pbrow

    Have been going to a few meetings to support my kids that have to go with their mother. I knew it would be a powerful lesson for them to see how these loving people treat their father who da'd a while ago. Couple of elders tried to corner me the 2nd or 3rd time I went to remind me that I cant talk to anyone.... I however reminded them that I am not df'd and I can talk to whomever I want to. I want my kids to learn from this experience of my attending now so I generally play by the rules as I dont want to be asked to leave.

    At the last meeting I see a guy that used to work with me and my dad laying carpet (seemed like all the brothers in mad town area layed carpet) in the parking lot pulling in. Havent seen him in god/allah/thor/fsm knows when. Nobody else in the parking lot so I rolled down my window and said "His Name, how you been?" and then put my hand out the window to shake his hand. He had a very serious look on his face, like he wasnt sure if he should shake my hand or just keep walking, but he slowly walks up to my car and said "are you coming back?" I looked at him and said "NOPE" So he starts to walk away because he clearly thought my answer was going to be "oh yes, I am working so hard to get my watchtower studied so I don't die at armageddon"

    They cannot comprehend what to do or say if they dont get the company line said back to them. They have study after study and meeting after meeting all so that they can get spoonfed on what to say to people. They are not encouraged to think for themselves and it clearly shows when they are confronted with someone who will not play their game.

    By the way, like any normal person before I drove off said "good to see you and I hope your family is doing well"


  • quellycatface

    Thanks for that story.I wanted to ask, I da'd in December, so does that mean I can still go to a meeting and talk to anyone I want?? I wouldn't go because I don't need/want to but the information was useful. The elders run around like Gestapo at the kingdom hall's.slap them down!!!!

  • nonjwspouse

    excellent reverse witness experience for your kids imo

  • problemaddict

    I love it. Of can talk to whomever you want! Why would you not be able to right?

    Its such a silly thing, to think at one time we believed these guys could tell us what we could and could not do. It never ceases to surprise me that such simple things we hand over to others.

    I hate to say it, but because of this affect simply saying "hello" to others has, why not keep going with your kids and just keep on saying hi to everyone! Kids will see whats up.

  • jookbeard

    I thought DA'ed folk have the same status as a DF'ed person ie the full shunning etc?

  • LisaRose

    They want you to to creep into the back of the hall like you are ashamed of yourself and not make eye contact with anyone, so they are not put into the awkward position of having to greet or shun you. It's great, because if you want to get reinstated you would have to do that, but since that is not your goal you can do whatever you like. You are cranking up the cognitive dissonance, good work.

  • Honesty

    It puzzles them when you don't play by their silly assed little rules.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    I don't know which country you're in, but in the UK each congregation is registered as a charity, and gains great financial benefits by being such.

    In view of their privileged position, I wonder if at the PUBLIC meeting you were warned about being removed for "talking" to others, you would have a very good case to present to the Charities Commission regarding your humiliating and demeaning treatment just for talking to other attendees at a PUBLIC meeting.

    Perhaps if you casually mention the words "charitable status", tax-exemption", and "Charities Commisioner", to elders who challenge you, it may get them to hurry to the toilet!!

  • ABibleStudent

    Congratulations pbrow!! Teach your kids how to critically think for themselves by confounding and confusing the elders by example.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • DesirousOfChange

    JOOKBEARD:I thought DA'ed folk have the same status as a DF'ed person ie the full shunning etc?

    JOOK, according to JW Rules the status is the same. What's being said here is why should the DAd person go by the JW Rules? when they rejected the JW religion. Talk to whom you want to talk.

    I like the threat to the Charities Commission. Esp if shunning a minor teen who is DFd/DAd. That could be considered bullying or abuse. (Of course, USA thankfully doesn't give them tax dollars as "charities".)

    If was DFd or had DAd and wasn't worried about suckin' up to get back in, I would ignore the damn rules for sure!


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