What would the Watchtower Society do...?

by LogCon 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sparrowdown

    Tell me sire what are those infidels doing on the lawn wth their shopping carts and deck chairs?

    GB answers "Right thats it then.Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and orphans,

    no more merciful beheadings,and cancel Christmas! ......

    HANG ON don't worry about that last one we already did that"

  • smiddy

    No matter how "nice" jehovahs witnesses seem to be , they are parasites who have no qualms about bludging off the govts./religous based orgs. set up to care for people in disaster areas and in need, who they then condemn as part and parcel of satans system of things.

    They are hypocrites.


  • zebagain

    JV: Bible or wt magazine, I think there be a broader issue there than just reading matter. or did those ones in Africa believe there was some 'protection' in the bible and wt mag?

  • jemba

    Yep plenty of poor people keep warm and well fed with a watchtower magazine!

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