The Apostasy Project - UK

by wizzstick 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • GrreatTeacher

    How can donating with a credit card be anonymous?

    How can putting a check in the contribution box that bears your name be anonymous?

    Do you really think that most people pay in small bills?


    Jehovah's Witnesses believe that no one is asking for money, dont feel that they are pressured to give.....emeth

    So when more money is asked for..Publicly from the WBT$ Assembly Stage..

    JW don`t believe anyone is asking for money?!....Then what do they think the WBT$ is asking for?..


    A Rabbit Wearing Sandels and Sun Glasses ................................. An Angry Cat..

    ...........While Beating a Drum?!...............................................With a Machine Gun?!..



    .................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW


    We don't believe they are asking for money....... errr, ummmm...


    LOL @ OUTLAW!!!


    Hey Data-Dog!..


    ......................Emeth Sucks at Lying for the WBT$..


    .......................................How about..

    .....................When the WBT$ asks JWs for Money..


    ..........................JW`s think the WBT$ wants..

    .....................Someone who can Juggle Chain Saws..


    ............................................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • Splash

    Last weeks wt study (13 12/15)

    Open verses: 1 chronic 29:9 - make voluntary offerings. 1 cor 16:1 - the collection, set aside something. 2 cor 8:13 - give what you have.

    Par 1: "make sacrifices, give money, Kingdom interests, give up much, support the kigdom, make sacrifices, support the kingdom"

    Par 3: "Support the kingdom, make sacrifices, generous spirit, Additional sacrifices, money, voluntary sacrifices"

    Par 5: "not all could give the same, Offered what they could. Even the poor can sacrifice"

    Par 8: "money. It costs to make a sacrifice"

    Par 10: "money. Significant funds needed. Millions spent. Expenses. Voluntary donations."

    Par 11: " Donations. Set aside funds. Give generously. Giving spirit."

    Par 14: "brothers in poverty can give"

    Par 15: "Poor Africans give funds. Give in proportion"

    Par 17: "have a giving spirit. Be generous"

    Par 18: "Pray to have a large share supporting kingdom interests"


  • Splash

    Each year there's a resolution to pay for the khall insurance KHAA fund.

    Also the CO's car fund TOAA.

    Plus a set amount per pub per month for the international convention candidates.

    Plus a set amount per pub for the local assembly hall.

    Plus keeping extra funds with the SOC so they can invest/get the interest.

    Plus CO expenses twice per year.

    Plus the DC car parking costs scam.

    Plus reminders at the DC, CA and SAD to contribute.

    Plus the elders resolutions to give Circuit funds to the branch.

    Plus the frequent "give us your money, shares and property" articles.

    What have I missed?


  • kneehighmiah

    Im nearly out of breath from laughing at outlaws posts.

  • steve2

    Outlaw kills me...again. There is no poison quite like it. I want more.

  • Phizzy

    yea thanks Outlaw ! another keyboard clean-up needed !

    I think this Project is good, and I hope it helps many, we are not the only ones who suffer when leaving a religion and cultural background, our friends from Islam and Judaism need the same support, as of course do Mormons and those leaving other cults like the SAD's.

    I wish it well.

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