JW's are an unknown fringe group

by joelbear 27 Replies latest social current

  • joelbear

    I went to a dinner party tonight that had about 100 people, all non JWs. Laughter and merriment and a good time was had by all.

    These were good honest hard working people who have no clue as to what JWs believe or that they are going to be judged according to whether they believe like witnesses do.

    It impressed on my mind just how unknown witnesses are and how little people pay any attention to their message.

    Witnesses think they are the center of the universe. Non-witnesses don't even think about them at all.


  • ashitaka

    I've noticed the same thing, Joel....that makes me feel better about things, that's for sure...it just puts things in perspective, I think......


  • BeautifulGarbage

    Being a "worldly" girl for 3/4's of my life, I know this to be true.
    Most people don't have a clue. I always blow people away when I share my families experience with shunning.

    Most just consider JW's an annoyance that comes to the door attempting to convert them.


  • ARoarer

    Joelbear, that is the first thing that came to my mind after walking away from WT. People just are not even aware of Witnesses, what they believe or even that they could be connected to WT. They are just "nice" old ladies who come to the door and wake you up on Saturday. At the Kingdom hall every talk made it seem like the whole world was plotting against us. And yet people are just not interested really.

  • dungbeetle

    Yeah, the poor, poor Governing Body;

    they give a persecution--


    DANG these uncooperative worldly birdfood people and their doggone religious tolerance/acceptance already...

    UADNA-US (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-United States)

  • Flip

    I suspect Jehovah's Organization is betting on just that scenario when countering negative feedback. In this case, most, who're under the Organizations influence via a surgical-like mental quarantine, are almost totally unaware of internal events in its entirety.

    On the other hand, those who’ve never been Jehovah’s Witnesses or even if they’ve heard about them in venues other than stand up comedy routines really couldn’t care less about what a so-called Jehovah’s Organization does.

    So if history means anything, whoever holds the purse string of 'Jehovah’s Organization' understands the ignorance demographics on their turf better than anyone, and it appears they just might prevail using imperceptible policy alterations as in years gone by counting on the lethargy of the masses as usual…unless, of course, these are unusual times.


  • joelbear

    I made this post to make two points.

    1. Jehovah's Witnesses, both individually and at the organization level have delusions of grandeur. The pass resolutions at assemblies as if they were notifying the entire world of something new. They take the position that they alone hold the key to messages from God. They paint themselves as the center of the universe. But after 100 years of preaching, even in the country where they are most active, they haven't made even a tiny dent of awareness in the public in general. I believe awareness of them peaked in 1975 because of the fact that they became known as "end of the world" prognosticators. With more and more people living busy lives of their own, Witnesses are left to procreate more witnesses and try to continue to make themselves feel special.

    2. I continue to present the argument that the best way to help witnesses is not to go one on one with them on doctrine or policy, but to help them make non-witness friends and begin to plant the seeds that the Watchtower and witnesses are nothing special. There are good people everywhere and just like Jesus said, you will know them by their fruits. Yes, it is the loving behavior of people that shows they have a good heart, not association with any particular group. If it were this, then Jesus would have said, you will know them by which group they are in. No, indeed, they are scattered about throughout humanity which is why you have to identify them individually by their behavior towards others.


  • DoNotProvoke

    Hahahahahhahahahahaha!!!! You people have nothing better to do with your lives do you? I mean listen to yourself! You sit there and say no one cares about the witnesses or concerns themselves with them. Hey your right most people don't know who we are. But let me ask you this, why are you all on here basically just trying to tear apart everything about us? Sounds kind of stupid to me, how about you? You know I don't know why you hate us so much. I mean maybe you were a witness and was treated bad by one, or maybe you had a bad experience with one. Look, people aren't perfect, and there are bad witnesses just like their are bad Catholics and bad Jews and so on. But please don't stereotype us by saying that we think we are "perfect" or we think that you are all going to die, or whatever else you "think" you may know. Majority of Witnesses are hard-working, caring individuals just trying to struggle through life like everyone else. Don't respond telling me, oh well, a witness one time did this, or did that or whatever. Yes, I know there are witnesses that murder, steal, cheat, fornicate, and all sorts of other things that are wrong. But don't sit and clump everyone together. Also don't think you know everything about witnesses, even if you were one before. I don't care if you were a Circuit Overseer or even served on the governing body at one time and now you are not a witness. If you aren't a witness anymore than you don't know what you are talking about because you have a biased view point and only say what "tickles" your ears.

  • julien


    I would say this applies to you as much as anyone:

    you have a biased view point and only say what "tickles" your ears.
  • HoChiMin


    I've noticed the same thing, most people are not concerned with WT doctrine. Only those who are or were once members of such a cult and now realize such, are concerned for others well being. Trying to help people past the mind control especially if it's a loved one is of great concern to many here.

    Also some new poster said this:
    >"Also don't think you know everything about witnesses, even if you were one before. I don't care if you were a Circuit Overseer or even served on the governing body at one time and now you are not a witness. If you aren't a witness anymore than you don't know what you are talking about because you have a biased view point and only say what "tickles" your ears."<

    Poor individual has no clue about life or happiness, they tell us not to say certain things or phrases, but just look at this, how sad.


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