Mothers Day - is it celebrated?

by scammer68 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • scammer68

    Can someone pls help. Is Mothers Day (& Fathers Day) celebrated by the JW's? If it is not, can you provide a scriptural reason for the decision.
    Many thanks.

  • Celia

    Hi Scammer,
    No mother's day celebration.
    I guess the argument of the JWs on that one is like the no birthdays rule : you are not allowed to put anyone on a pedestal, even for one day, because it's like worshipping that person and only God can be worshipped, or something like that...
    Why did you ask ?

  • scammer68

    Hi Celia,

    Thanks for the answer. I couldn't remember - but I thought it was something like that. I asked because here in Australia it is Mothers Day tomorrow (12th May) and I feel bad about not calling my mother, but I know I'll bug her if I call and say 'Happy Mothers Day' if she doesn't celebrate it.

    I was a JW, a long, long time ago, so most of that information has (thankfully) gone from my brain...

    Sam :)

  • Celia

    Well, Sam, doesn't matter what your Mom will say if you call her on Mother's day, she will love it !
    Hey, she's your Mom, even if you don't say "Happy Mother's Day", you can call her and say that you were thinking about her and you love her and ask her how she's doing...
    She will love it, she's a Mom for crying out loud !

  • ashitaka

    I always celebrated a belated mother's day, giving gifts around the year when I could....mother's above all others, deserve some special day to honor them.


  • scammer68


    Yeah, I'll probably do that anyway. It's just hard dealing with relatives who are JW's - so many things you are not supposed to say or do. I have to modify my behaviour for them them, and honor their choices (ie being part of that religion), but they make no allowances for me, and my choices. So it's painful... anyway, I won't get started on that!


  • ignored_one

    I've always found it weird that birthdays are a no-no but anniversarys are fine.

    Aren't they the same thing?

    Buying gifts and celebrating the 'life' of their marriage?


    Ignored One.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    So if it is your wedding anniversary you can get flowers from a JW but you could not send flowers to a JW mother on mothers day.


    I think they HATE it when people's hearts go soft.

  • Gopher


    Stop making sense!! You're going to make the JW's look like they follow a bunch of man-made rules. LOL.

    In reality, the WTS likes to create rules as artificial "walls" between its members and those in the outside world. It helps keep their people feeling "sacred", or set apart from the world for God's service. Also some of these rules make JW's actually feel superior to the world around them! Strange, but true.


    This post was not evaluated by any mental health professionals.
    Any opinions expressed are those of a fuzzy, cuddly rodent.

  • ignored_one

    I also like the fact that the GB mention the fact that it's bad to celebrate birthdays because people were killed at them.

    In that case we should ban driving by car, using public transport, eating, drinking, breathing because hey, someone must have died doing those things.

    Ignored One.

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