No more circuit assemblies

by justmeok 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    Too late to edit - meant to say 2-day regional conventions (instead of 3) can't be far behind.

  • blondie

    Not just in NYC, 1969 Chicago, 8 days, morning field service, program afternoon and evenings. 1963, Pasadena, 8 days, same schedule.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Makes one wonder: if Armageddon is coming "soon", and WT has always said the work is/will be "speeding up" as we get nearer to the the 'Big A', why is WT figuring out ways to do less?


    less meetings, less assemblies, field service is becoming lazier for JWs, more reliance on the Internet (JW.Org), half the magazines with half the content than before, mind-numbingly dumbed-down content, selling branch offices, sending Bethel workers home, aux and regular Pioneer hours reduced, etc. etc. Sure doesn't look like WT is "speeding up" at all...looks more like a fire sale.

  • RottenRiley

    Don'tCallMeShirley, I enjoy your posts very much, what level of worldy education did you acheive? I can't name all my favorites but everything that comes out of your mouth make's me smile or ponder how stupid I was to be stuck in this Cult so long.

    I had a chance to speak to another brother at a Circuit Assembly and he gave me more courage to step down and the wobbling began. The first time I began to have hatred of the Cult was the Circuit Assembly, my fellow Ex-JW was battling his own demons and we sat down and talked at the Four-Plex in Santa Maria, I told him about the man who had given a talk on the stage was a Pedophile and the next man who was up on "Secret Sins" was a compulsive gambler and thief, each remained elders until I got the strenght to come forward and report the abuse I suffered! I can't thank the brother enough, it's not enough for him to know he has impacted many in a good way, I get afraid he might go over the edge because of all the shit we learned at Circuit Assemblies and how the Congregation and Family turned against this good brother.

    Maybe you might be able to give me good ideas how to encourage a man who put his life on display for everyone, he is self-sacrificing but the Cult and it's hatred is under his skin deeply.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Riley- you have a PM

  • mynameislame

    I kind of miss the assemblies. Of course I spent most of them hanging out with my friends and scoping out the chicks. Certainly didn’t spend much time listening. If I ever had to listen I’m pretty sure I’d change my tune.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Just a pondering: if you're on the governing body, or high up at Bethel, and Armeggedon hasn't come yet? Might you realize that it's pointless to drag JWs and their families out to so many convention and assembly days per year? Surely they know one of the reasons so many of us have left is because we couldn't carry the crushing burden they laid on our backs, the burden of the meeting, field service, study and assembly schedules. Now, if only they can only figure out that the burden of thought control is causing thousands to leave, they could loosen their grip and stop causing such stress and sorrow.

  • mynameislame

    I wonder if they know that 2014 is a psychological year and they expect to lose a lot of member so they are just planning ahead?

  • wisdomfrombelow

    Might you realize that it's pointless to drag JWs and their families out to so many convention and assembly days per year? Surely they know one of the reasons so many of us have left is because we couldn't carry the crushing burden they laid on our backs, the burden of the meeting, field service, study and assembly schedules.

    Just like Solomon's son made things much harder for the people, GB 2.0 will not ease the burden and will push many people too far. They don't know empathy or compassion.

  • Listener

    They dropped the term 'special assemblies'. I have a feeling that they will be introducing special presentations in the local kingdom hall, these presentations will be either taped or live streamed talks given by GB members.

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