Curious change in December 15 Study Article

by Bobcat 38 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Bobcat

    I ran across a change between the printed edition of the December 15, 2013 WT Study Edition and the magazine as a PDF download from the JW.Org website.

    Whether the change amounts to much, I'm not sure. But it is curious. The change is in paragraph 16 on page 15:

    Printed Edition PDF Edition
    16 However, a word of caution is needed. As was true of the ancient Israelites, we must make sure that our voluntary sacrifices are acceptable to God. What could call that into question? We have to maintain our balance so that we care for our primary responsibilities in connection with our families and the worship of Jehovah. Assisting with Kingdom Halls, relief work, and other activities would not be "especially acceptable" if our giving causes us to neglect the spirituality or physical welfare of our family. We would, in effect, be giving from what we do not have. (Read 2 Corinthians 8:12.) Additionally, we must maintain our own spirituality so that we do not become disqualified somehow. (1 Cor. 9:26, 27) Be assured, though, that when we live up to Bible standards, our sacrifices bring much joy and satisfaction to us, and they are "especially acceptable" to Jehovah. 16 However, a word of caution is needed. As was true of the ancient Israelites, we must make sure that our voluntary sacrifices are acceptable to God. We have to maintain our balance so that we care for our primary responsibilities in connection with our families and the worship of Jehovah. The giving of our time and resources in behalf of others should not cause us to neglect the spirituality or physical welfare of our family. Otherwise, we would, in effect, be giving from what we do not have. (Read 2 Corinthians 8:12.) Additionally, we must maintain our own spirituality. (1 Cor. 9:26, 27) Be assured, though, that when we live up to Bible standards, our sacrifices bring much joy and satisfaction to us, and they are "especially acceptable" to Jehovah.

    I emboldened and underlined the differences. I suspect the PDF version is more recent than the printed edition due to lead times needed for printing. So, for some reason, they saw a need to rephrase or change the printed edition to the PDF version.

    The changes are:

    Original included question (removed in PDF):

    • What could call that into question?

    Original sentence:

    • Assisting with Kingdom Halls, relief work, and other activities would not be "especially acceptable" if our giving causes us to neglect the spirituality or physical welfare of our family.


    • The giving of our time and resources in behalf of others should not cause us to neglect the spirituality or physical welfare of our family.

    Original phrase (removed in PDF):

    • . . . so that we do not become disqualified somehow. [just before "(1 Cor. 9:26, 27)"]

    The paragraph question remains exactly the same.

    I wonder what led to that? Any thoughts? I wonder if they thought the first sentence might have caused some to back off of the activities specified after analysing their personal circumstances? The revised paragraph is a bit more 'bland.'

    Take Care

  • nonjwspouse

    I wondered when this would begin to happen in the current mags. I am sure this type of changing is only going to continue.

    Look at their history of changing words, all.the.time.

  • Bobcat


    That is an interesting thought. I want to see if it causes any confusion at the meeting today as it is read.

    Those using an iPad device will see the changed version. And those using the paper edition will see the original. With an increasing number using the electronic version this should be interesting.

  • nonjwspouse

    In what I have learned so far about the JW, they are conditioned to accept things the WTBTS want them to accept. By frequently changing words in the online vs print editions they are conditioned to accept this as normal "better wording" by the brothers who are "keeping up". Once conditioned, a change in wording and meaning would not phase the R&F faithful JW. They expect it and do not THINK about it at all.

  • Comatose

    So my thoughts are as follows.

    I observed in the past that some of the friends who volunteered at the RBC caught some criticism for being gone all the time and not helping their home congregation. Some missed half the meetings at least in the month as they were gone Thursday - Sunday at the quick builds. I think some looked at the time spent in a negative way. It could be that this original rendering was being construed negatively on the RBC. So they changed it after some complaints?

  • Xanthippe

    They know that if brothers are on kH building sites instead of in a meeting they are not having the weekly programming of mind control. It really does not take long to mentally break free. If only we could get everyone to stay away from meetings for a few weeks the programming would start to wear off pretty quickly.

  • Bobcat


    This opens the possibility that they weigh input or feedback after the magazine is printed. Not a new thought by itself, but this change had to happen within just a few months time.

  • Bobcat


    Maybe it's just me, but I kinda saw the change the other way around. The very specific, "Assisting with Kingdom Halls, relief work, and other activities. . ." becomes a somewhat vague, "The giving of our time and resources in behalf of others . . ."

    The original phrase calls to mind WT specific things. The revised phrase, to the JW mind, can be seen as more 'secular.' (IMO)

    But I certainly agree with your thought about losing the grip of mind-control from being away from the meetings.

    To tell you the truth, I'm probably analysing this far more closely than any in the KH will.

    Take Care

  • TheOldHippie

    Same change in other languages too. Also inh the present book study book (Draw Close).

    By the way, did anyone notice the "Research Guide 2014" available as a pdf on

  • hoser

    Anyone attending a meeting today should bring this to the attention of the watchtower study conductor and ask him which version would be appropriate to read from the stage and watch him stress out.

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