What Motivates Jehovah's Witnesses To Stay In The Religion?

by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends



    ................We`ll Take Your Wife,Your Kids,Your Family,Your Friends..


    ...................................................................Yep!..Then We`ll Destroy Your Life..

    Then We`ll Destroy Your Life.............................I Like That Part Best..LOL!!..


    .................................................................................................................................. photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW



    ......................Or..You Can Stay Loyal To the WBT$ and Jehovah Will..

    ............................................Give You More Chickens!..


    ....................................................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Finkelstein

    Its mostly a blend of fear and guilt consciously superimposed by the WTS's own indoctrination process.

    Which makes leaving unfortunately for some who been involved in this religious organization somewhat difficult.

    The overwhelming propagation of this organization is that it's being guided by god's holy spirit through his word the bible.

    The reality is these men are using the stupidity and ignorance contained in the bible to empower themselves

    subsequently causing accumulative detrimental harm to people.

    Sorry folks gods never existed but many men have envisioned themselves to act like gods have existed throughout human history.

    Its the power that men are drawn to and as a result the prevailing ignorance and corruption that sustains that

    acquired power.

  • tresdecu

    Fear of displeasing Jah = death! Not having that fear anymore is an amazing feeling, even though I'm technically 'in' so to speak, my brain is free. I wake up every day not worrying about falling through a giant crack in the earth while chunks of concrete fall on top of me. (gotta love those illustrations)

    ~TD, mentally free since 2008

  • sspo

    All of JW's have doubts about their belief but you're always thinking " who am i to question, GB knows more than i do".

    Until you do serious research and investigate doctrines and history and that's when eyes are opened.

    It's easier to go along with the crowd and not shake the boat.

  • Lizie
  • clarity

    Insanity, fear, guilt .....not exactly! These are caused by

    actually being a member of this organization.

    But it is more insideous than that!


    It is silent, relentless & deabilitating ...like a virus!

    ........ you don't even know it has invaded your body.



    Mind control, otherwise known as programming has taken over!

    Really, if you did not have this virus ...you would not be feeling

    guilty, afraid, depressed or like you are going insane!


    These feelings are artificially IMPOSED on members.

    Your real authentic personality sits right underneath ...

    waiting to act!

    my 2cents .....clarity

  • Phizzy

    Some actually believe all of it.

    By some, I mean about 2 out of 7 Mill.

  • Finkelstein

    All of JW's have doubts about their belief but you're always thinking " who am I to question, GB knows more than i do".

    Thats a good point sspo

    The WTS propagates that mankind will be saved from destruction if they just join their organization and

    be totally subservient to their power and control and they do this by proliferating their own published literature.

    If that pressing and propagating fear isn't enough then there is the presence established that all teaching and

    guidance offered by the WTS. and its controlling seagents the elders, is wholesomely beneficial for all .


    The fact that this organization developed a long list of lies and corruption to establish its own self assuming power

    tells the real Truth toward what makes and has made up this organization.

  • minimus

    I don't think most JWs can explain the reasons why they "Believe" it's the "Truth". Most are simply ignorant and hence in bliss.

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