Interesting article on Biblical accuracy

by Jon Preston 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Jon Preston
    Jon Preston

    Tiktaalik--- So i wonder if THaTS how kangaroos got to Aussie!!! Lol

  • Phizzy

    The land bridge between Australia and the rest of the World was long gone by the time that the Biblical Flood is supposed to have happened, gone thousands of years before.

    So, those clever Kangas and even more clever Koalas must have built a raft to get across !

  • designs

    Frazzled- now wait just a darn second, Charlton Heston parted the Red Sea, i saw it with my own two eyes....

  • Tiktaalik

    Phizzy: there has never been a land bridge that connected the Australian continent to the rest of the world.

    The supercontinent, Gondwana, that included Africa, Australia, India, South America and Antartica began to break up around 200 million years ago with the separation of Africa and India.

    Antartica, Australia and South America remained locked together until around 60 million years ago, when Australia drifted north and tore away from Antartica. South America headed westward. They took with them a shared assemblage of proto-mammals, as mammalian evolution and speciation was beginning to occur in earnest after the age of the dinosaurs. Anartica headed south and became entombed in the ice at the pole and all its animals and plants were wiped out. The only places on Earth where you find marsupials are South America and Australia/New Guinea (The North American Opossum is a 'recent' migrant from South America).

    The Australia/New Guinea continent headed north, and is still doing so today. More accurately it is heading north northwest at the rate of 8mm per year. For 55 milion years, Australia has been alone; a giant isolated raft. It has never been connected to Asia. But it will one day. It will eventually smash into Indonesia, so watch out you Indonesians! The Australians are coming and there's nothing you can do about it!

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