Going Beyond the Things Written.

by integ 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • integ

    I went to the meeting today. I go probably once a month for various reasons I have alluded to here.

    I don't know what the title of the talk was, since I pulled my usual come in 5 minutes late, muster a fake "i'm mildly embarrassed" look on my face and slip in the back row move, but the crux of it was to not go 'beyond the things written'.

    Instead of directing that notion at the obvious entity it SHOULD be directed at, it focused on people in the congregation to not promote their own ideas or opinions on others, or their own thoughts or interpretations on doctrine etc. and to base any thoughts or ideas strictly on "what is written" in the bible...and in the publications.

    It's right there and so obvious to any logical person that the major culprits of going "beyond the things written" are the dearly beloved GB.

    You see the GB is likened to basically being God. THEY ..are beyond that admonition. They are absolved from being subject to that directive. THEY are the ones "going beyond the things written" at every turn and yet these people are totally oblivious to this fact and think that scriptures like this are not directed at the GB and do not apply to them. THEY (the GB) are the ones being put on a level equal to God.

    These delusional simpletons...and I'm sorry but that is exactly what they are, just willingly accept the absolute authority of the GB, and what have these goofballs done to deserve such unconditional obedience?


    The ultimate paradox. Why should we OBEY unconditionally the GB? They are the Faithful and Discreet Slave Class. How do we know they are? They say so.

    Well gee whiz that's good enough for me.


    They are nothing but a bunch of power hungry pathetic old farts and the fact that 7 million foolish, simple minded, brain dead fools decide to hand over their lives to these goofballs is even more pathetic.

    They do a great job of installing a fear based environment..which is ultimately their only means of control. Scaring people that they will lose their families if they don't unquestionably obey their pathetic window washing azzes.

    I pray that people start to wake up to what is right in front of their faces.

    I pray the GB would have the guts to see how "loved" they are if they would let go of their draconian disfellowshipping policy.

    They prefer to keep people trapped in cages out of their own fear of losing it all.

  • carla

    sums it up pretty well!

  • designs

    Causa finita est, utinam aliquando finitur error

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Perfect summation! They are in such a FOG -- a fog of mental heaviness cleverly created through ample use of




    That's the evil oil that runs the machine and keeps the drones under control.

  • nonjwspouse

    And here I thought the JW the Bible was written only for the anointed and specifically the FDS ( GB). If it was written for THEM then the scripture is DIRECTED at them.

    But then since when is logic ever rewarded in JW......

  • blondie

    2 more phrases to research in WTS pubs

    running ahead

    Wait on J......

  • Finkelstein

    The Watchtower Publishing house has been nothing but coercive lies, ignorance and corruption in luring people

    into the publishing organization, exploiting and manipulating people once they are there .

    Its really a deceitful game of power and corruption and because of that corruption it also has become a

    high controlling fraud, totally unimpassioned and apathetic to people that it snares.


    If there ever was a Christian based religion that has gone beyond what is written , the WTS would be the one outstanding.


    One word, " Watchtarded."

    Great post by the way. I wonder what the official title was? Could it be mere coincidence that you heard a talk that dovetailed so nicely with the WT lesson?? As you say, the admonition to not go beyond what is written apllies to the R&F. Most others, Elders, CO,DO, and especially the GB can make up whatever they want.

    If you or I point out an obvious error, i.e, there is no FDS "class" as taught for the last 90+ years, or all Christians are domestics BEFORE it appears in WT format, we would be apostates. If had said that the FDS was not appointed over Christs belonging...that would have been apostasy as well. I could easily be DF'd right now, and so could you.

    The R&F JW and the Elders for the most part, worship the GB/Corporation. They just don't know it.


  • blondie

    But more importantly:

    When it comes to valueless words, elders too learn an important lesson. Whenever they are called upon to give counsel, they bear in mind their limitations and do not presume to offer counsel solely from their own personal store of knowledge. They should always point to what the Bible says. A sound rule is found in the words of the apostle Paul: “Do not go beyond the things that are written .” (1 Cor. 4:6) Elders do not go beyond the things that are written in the Bible. And by extension, they do not go beyond the Bible-based counsel written in the publications of the faithful and discreet slave.

  • BU2B

    Blondies WT quote, "and by extension they do not go beyond the Bible-based counsel written in the publications of the FDS"

    This sentence is so wrong I dont know where to start.. The word "extension" MEANS to go beyond! When you put an extension on a vacum cleaner what are you doing?? Are you not going beyond where the vacum could originally reach? The scripture cited says NOT TO GO BEYOND WHAT IS IN THE SCRIPTURES.. In the very next sentence they say that they are exempt from this command.

    Where in this scripture does it say that the mandate not to go beyond is limited in nature? Where in the bible is there a waiver on this command given to a Faithful and Wise servant?? Where does it say "dont go beyond exept for this person or that person"

    At the Meeting yesterday, an elder answerd in 2 seperate comments and said he knows four elders who became apostates. He said that one of them said that he will suport the GB when their views match his (everyone chuckles) Then he said, if only he had waited on Jehovah and not ran ahead, there could have been "New Light" and they (the GB) may have matched his views after all. The elder went on to say that Now he will be destroyed at armageddon, while we who waited on Jehovah wont be! WOW!!

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