Lyrebird - Hoax Or Not?

by metatron 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • doofdaddy

    Yep it's absolutely true. These Aussie birds can imitate any sound. We also have the Butcher bird which imitates other birds. Their songs are stunning and there are clips on Youtube of them imitating car alarms etc but mainly other bird's songs. I actually laughed watching one clip as this little bird imitated magpies, doves, kookaburras, parakeets, curawongs...

  • Tiktaalik

    I have heard lyrebirds imitate the calls of dozens of different birds. They are the most superb mimics of all the birds.

    Once when I was on a an extended bushwalk in the Kanangra-Boyd National Park, southwest of Sydney, it was mating season for lyrebirds. I heard and saw a great many lyrebirds. I was fortunate enough to get very close to one bird as he was preoccupied with clearing his stage in the bush. I watched him from fairly close range as he started to run through his repitoir of other bird's calls. On and on he went, calling out in perfect imitation of all the other bird calls. From little finches and wrens right through to magpies and crows. It was an amazing thing to witness..

    I have personally never heard them make any sounds other than bird calls, but they are well known to imitate humans and human sounds.

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